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All Ensembles






























Ensembles: s

21st Century CO (1)

21st Century Consort (3)

21st Century O & Ch (2)

21st Century SO & Ch (1)

Saarbrücken C Ch (6)

Saarbrücken German RP (3)

Saarbrücken RSO (83)

Saarbrücken R Soloists & O (1)

Saarbrücken Str Qrt (1)

Saar C O (1)

Saarländ RCO (1)

Saarland R C O (2)

Saarland RSO (3)

Saar R C O (3)

Saar RSO (2)

Saar Youth O (1)

Sabelithe (1)

Sabine Meyer Wind Ens (3)

Sacabuche (2)

Sacconi Qrt (7)

Sachsischer Staatsopernchor (1)

Sackbut Ens (5)

Sacraments-Church Breda Boys’ Ch (2)

Sacramentskoor Breda (4)

Sacred Hearts Schola (1)

Sacred Music Society O & Ch (1)

Sadler’s Wells Ch (1)

Sadlers Wells Covent Garden O (1)

Sadler’s Wells Independent Op O (1)

Sadler’s Wells O (1)

Sadler’s Wells Op Ch (1)

Sadler’s Wells Op O (2)

Sadler’s Wells Op O & Ch (3)

Sadler’s Wells Op O/Ch (4)

Sadler’s Wells Theatre O & Ch (1)

Sächsicher St Op Ch (1)

Sächsiches Vocalensmble (1)

Sächsischen St Op Dresden Ch (1)

Sächsischer C Ch (1)

Sächsischer Kammerchor (1)

Sächsischer Staatsopernchor Dresden (4)

Sächsisches Barock O (1)

Sächsisches Barockorchester (1)

Sächsisches Barockorchester Leipzig (1)

Sächsische Staatskapelle (3)

Sächsisches Vocalens (1)

Sächsisches Vocalensemble (5)

Sächsisches Voc Ens (2)

Säo Paulo SO (4)

Safri Duo (5)

Saga Qrt (1)

Sagittario Ens (1)

Sagittarius (2)

Sagittarius Vocal Ens (2)

Said Belcadi Ens (1)

Saimaa Sinf (1)

Saimaa Snf (3)

Saint Anthony Singers (2)

Saint Bride’s Church Ch (1)

Saint Cecilia Chapel (1)

Saint Cecilia O (1)

Saint-Étienne de Caen (1)

Saint-Étienne Loire Lyric Ch & SO (1)

Saint-Étienne Lyric O & Ch (2)

Saint Gallen SO (8)

Saint Hedwig’s Cathedral Ch (7)

Saint Ignatius Loyola Children’s Ch (2)

Saint-Laurent Children’s Choir (1)

Saint Lawrence Str Qrt (15)

Saint Louis Brass Qnt (3)

Saint Louis C Ch (2)

Saint Louis S Ch (2)

Saint Louis SO & Ch (4)

Saint Luke’s C Ens (17)

Saint Mary’s Cathedral Ch Edinburgh (2)

Saint Mary’s Music School Ch (1)

Saint Michael Tr (1)

Saint Nicholas Choir (1)

Saint Nicholas Singers (2)

Saint Olaf Ch (4)

Saint Patrick’s Cathedral Ch, New York City (1)

Saint Paul C O (30)

Saint Paul’s Cathedral Ch (13)

Saint Petersburg Cappella SO (1)

Saint Petersburg Mariinsky Theater O (1)

Saint Petersburg PCO (1)

Saint Petersburg PO (5)

Saint Petersburg Qrt (4)

Saint Petersburg State Academic Capella Ch (1)

Saint Petersburg Tr (1)

Saint Peter’s Ch (1)

Saint-Sulpice de Paris (1)

Saint Thomas Ch (1)

Saint Thomas Ch of Men & Boys (3)

Saint Thomas Men & Boys Ch (1)

Saint Tikhon Ch (5)

Saito Kinen O (12)

Sakuntala Tr (1)

Salagon Qrt (2)

Salaputia Brass Qnt (1)

Salaputia Br Qnt (1)

Salerno Op Ch (1)

Salieri C Ch & C O (1)

Salieri C O (8)

Salieri Str Qrt (1)

Salisbury Cath Ch (1)

Salisbury Cathedral Boy Choristers (2)

Salisbury Cathedral Boys’ Ch (2)

Salisbury Cathedral Ch (4)

Salisbury Cathedral Choir (2)

Salisbury Cathedral Girl Choristers (1)

Salisbury Cathedral Lay Vicars (1)

Salomon Ens (1)

Salomon Qrt (14)

Salomon Str Qrt (24)

Salon O (1)

Salonorchester Cölln (1)

Salonorchester Colin (1)

Salonorchester ❝Eclair (1)

Saltarello Choir (1)

Saltire Singers (1)

Salt Lake C Ens (1)

Salt Lake Children’s Ch (4)

Salt Lake Electric Ens (1)

Salt Lake S (1)

Salt Lake Vocal Artists (1)

Salt Lake Voc Artists (1)

Salzberger Hofmusik (2)

Salzburg Bach Ch (8)

Salzburg Bach Choir (2)

Salzburg Bachchor (1)

Salzburg Camerata (1)

Salzburg C Ch (1)

Salzburg C Choir (1)

Salzburg Ch Soloists (1)

Salzburg C O (1)

Salzburg Concert Ch (1)

Salzburg CP (3)

Salzburg C PO (1)

Salzburg CP Soloists (1)

Salzburg C Soloists (2)

Salzburger Bach Ch (2)

Salzburger Bachchor (6)

Salzburger Barockensemble (2)

Salzburger Domchor (1)

Salzburger Haydn-Qnt (1)

Salzburger Hofmusik (13)

Salzburger Hofmusik & C Ch (1)

Salzburger Kammerchor (1)

Salzburger Solisten (2)

Salzburg Festival & Theater Children’s Ch (1)

Salzburg Festival C Ch (1)

Salzburg Festival Ch (1)

Salzburg Festival Children’s Ch (4)

Salzburg Festival O & Ch (2)

Salzburg Mozarteum (1)

Salzburg Mozarteum Choir (1)

Salzburg Mozarteum Choir & O (1)

Salzburg Mozarteum O (33)

Salzburg Mozarteum O & Ch (2)

Salzburg Mozarteumorchester (1)

Salzburg Mozart Players (1)

Salzburg R (3)

Salzburg R & Mozarteum Choir (1)

Salzburg RCh (2)

Salzburg R Choir (1)

Salzburg Soloists (4)

Salzburg Str Qrt (2)

Salzurger Hofmusik (1)

Samara PO (1)

Samaris Tr (1)

Sami Sinfonietta (2)

Sanaa Op Project (1)

San Antonio S (1)

San Carlo di Napoli Th O & Ch (1)

San Carlo Naples O & Ch (7)

San Carlos Op House, Lisbon O & Ch (1)

San Carlo Theater O & Ch, Naples (8)

Sancoussi Ens Hamburg (1)

Sanctuary Str O (1)

San Diego C O (8)

San Diego Master Chorale (2)

San Diego Op O & Ch (1)

San Diego S (5)

San Diego S Ens (1)

San Diego SO (9)

Sándor Déki Lakatos & His Gipsy Band (1)

Sándor Lakatos & His Gypsy Band (1)

Sanford Dole Ens (1)

San Francisco Ballet (2)

San Francisco Ballet O (17)

San Francisco Camerata Americana (1)

San Francisco Camerata & Ch (1)

San Francisco Ch (1)

San Francisco Choral Artists (5)

San Francisco Ch Players (1)

San Francisco Composers CO (1)

San Francisco Conservatory CO (3)

San Francisco Conservatory New Music Ens (6)

San Francisco Conservatory O (2)

San Francisco Conservatory Stage O (1)

San Francisco Contemporary Music Players (9)

San Francisco Coservatory Ch & C Ens (1)

San Francisco Gay Men’s Ch (1)

San Francisco Girls Ch (6)

San Francisco O & Ch (1)

San Francisco Op Ch (2)

San Francisco Op O (15)

San Francisco Op O & Ch (34)

San Francisco Op Scouts (1)

San Francisco S (45)

San Francisco S & Ch (1)

San Francisco SCh (5)

San Francisco S Ch & S (4)

San Francisco SO (147)

San Francisco SO & Ch (23)

San Francisco SO Brass (1)

San Francisco SO Women’s Ch (2)

San Francisco Tr (1)

San Francisco Wind S (1)

San Gabriel Str Qrt (1)

Sanggar Çudamani collective & Vancouver musicians (1)

San Giorgio Acad Ch (1)

San Luis Obispo S (1)

San Luis Potosi SO (1)

San Petronio Basilica Cappella musicale of Bologna (1)

San Pietro a Majella Ch (1)

San Pietro a Majella Ch, Naples (1)

Sanremo SO (3)

San Sebastián South Tyrol Children’s Ch (1)

Sans Souci Baroque Ens of Padova (1)

Sans Souci Baroque Ens of Padua (3)

Sanssouci Ens Hamburg (1)

Santa Barbara Choral Society (1)

Santa Barbara SO (9)

Santa Cecelia O (1)

Santa Cecila Natl Acad O (1)

Santa Cecila Natl Acad O & Ch (1)

Santa Cecilia Acad (1)

Santa Cecilia Acad O (4)

Santa Cecilia Acad O & Ch (6)

Santa Cecilia Acad O, Rome (1)

Santa Cecilia Acad Rome Ch (1)

Santa Cecilia Acad Rome O (4)

Santa Cecilia Acad Rome O & Ch (3)

Santa Cecilia Ch (1)

Santa Cecilia Ch, Lucca (1)

Santa Cecilia C O (2)

Santa Cecilia Conservatory O & Ch (1)

Santa Cecilia Natl Acad O (2)

Santa Cecilia Natl Acad O & Ch (1)

Santa Cecilia Natl Acad O & Cho (1)

Santa Cecilia Natl Acad Rome O (1)

Santa Cecilia O & Ch (4)

Santa Cecilia Vocal Ens (1)

Santa Crux Contemporary Gamelan (1)

Santa Cruz Baroque Festival O (1)

Santa Cruz Festival Baroque Ens (1)

Santa Fe C Music Festival (1)

Santa Fe C O (1)

Santa Fe C Players (1)

Santa Fe Desert Chorale (5)

Santa Fe Guitar Qrt (2)

Santa Fe New Music (1)

Santa Fe Op O (3)

Santa Fe Op O & Ch (2)

Santa Fe Pro Musica (1)

Santa Maria del Coro de San Sebastian (1)

Santa Monica O (1)

Santa Monica S (1)

Santander Chorale (1)

Santa Rosa SO (1)

Santenay (1)

Santo Domingo de Silos Benedictine Choir (1)

Santo Domingo Festival O (1)

Santo Domingo Natl O & Ch (1)

Santtu-Matias Rouvali (2)

São Paolo SO (4)

São Paolo SO & Ch (1)

São Paulo Children’s Ch (1)

Sao Paulo Municipal Theater O & Ch (3)

São Paulo S Ch (5)

Sao Paulo SO (52)

São Paulo SO & Ch (3)

Sao Paulo SO Cellists (1)

São Paulo SO Cellos (1)

Sao Paulo SO Ch (2)

São Paulo SO Members (1)

Sao Paulo SO Soloists (1)

São Paulo St Ch (1)

Sapporo SO (3)

Sarahbanda (1)

Sarah Lamb, Rupert Pennefeather, Steven McRae, Francesca Flipi, Sian Murphy (2)

Sarasa Ens (4)

Sarasota Music Festival O (2)

Sarastro Qrt (5)

Sarastro Str Qrt (1)

Saratov Conservatory SO (1)

Saratov Diocese Hierarchal Men’s Ch (7)

Sarband (2)

Sarre C O (2)

Sarum Consort (8)

Satie Str Qrt (1)

Sator Musicae (1)

Saturday Brass Qnt (1)

Saturday Br Qnt (1)

Saulesco Qrt (2)

Saulesco Str Qrt (1)

Sauter-Finegan O (1)

Savaria (1)

Savaria Bar O (1)

Savaria Baroque O (2)

Savaria SO (15)

Savaria Symphoniker (1)

Savaria Vocal Ens (10)

Saving Qrt (1)

Savinio Qrt (1)

Savona O & Ch (1)

Savonlinna Op Festival Ch (2)

Savonlinna Op Festival Choir (5)

Savonlinna Op Festival Choir & O (1)

Savonlinna Op Festival O & Ch (8)

Savoy Ballroom Five (1)

Sawai Koto Ens (1)

Sawa Qrt (1)

Sawston Village College C Choir (1)

Sax Allemande (1)

Saxart (1)

Saxcess (1)

Saxofon Concentus (1)

Saxology (1)

Saxon Baroque O (1)

Saxon CP (1)

Saxonian Wind Acad (1)

Saxon State O (12)

Saxon State O & Ch of the Dresden State Op (1)

Saxon State O Dresden (1)

Saxon St O & Ch (1)

Saxon St Op Ch (3)

Saxon St Op Ch Dresden (8)

Saxon St Op Dresden O & Ch (1)

Saxon Str Qrt (1)

Saxon Vocal Ens (2)

Saxon Voc Ens (1)

Saxon Wind Acad (1)

Saxon Wind P (5)

Saxony Voc Ens (1)

Saxo Panico (1)

Sax Players (1)

Sax Qrt (1)

SCALA köln (1)

Scandinavian Brass Ens (1)

Scandinavian C Players (1)

Scandinavian Gtr Duo (4)

Scandinavian Male Qrt (1)

Scandinavian W Ont (1)

Scaramouche Qrt (1)

Scarborough Fayre Players of Apollo’s Fire (1)

Scarlatti of RAI, Naples (2)

Scarlatti O of Naples (3)

Scarlet Knight Br & Perc Ens (4)

Schaffhausen Sinf (2)

Scharoum-Ens, Berlin (1)

Scharoun Ens (1)

Scharoun Ens Berlin (2)

Schaumberger Märchensänger (1)

Schaumburger Kantorei (1)

S Ch Dresden (1)

Schein Str Qt (1)

Scherbaum Baroque Ens of Hamburg (1)

Scherzi Musicali (12)

Scheuerer Piano Qrt (1)

Scheuerer Pn Qrt (1)

Schidlof Qrt (2)

Schirmer Ens (3)

Schlagquartett Köln (1)

Schlagwerkgroep Den Haag (1)

Schleswig-Holstein Fest Ch (1)

Schleswig-Holstein Festival Ch Lübeck (1)

Schleswig-Holstein Festival O (9)

Schleswig-Holstein Festival O & Ch (1)

Schleswig-Holstein SO (1)

Schlierbach C O (1)

Schlierbacher C O (1)

Schlierbacher Kammerorchester (2)

Schlierbacher Motettenchor & Kammerorchester (1)

Schneiderhan Str Qrt (2)

Schneider Qrt (2)

Schnittpunktvokal (1)

Schoenberg-Chor (1)

Schoenberg CO (1)

Schönberg Ens (29)

Schoenberg-Ens (1)

Schönberg Ens Amsterdam (2)

Schoenberg Qrt (12)

Schönberg Str Qrt (3)

Schönbrun Festival O Vienna (1)

Schönbrunn Ens (2)

Schönbrunn Festival O (4)

Schönbrunn Music Theater O & Ch (2)

Schönbrunn Th O & Ch (1)

Schöneberg Boychoir & Instrumental Ens (1)

Schöneberger Sängerknaben (6)

Schola Antiqua (9)

Schola Antiqua de España (1)

Schola Antiqua of Chicago (1)

Schola Bamberg (3)

Schola Bellarmina (3)

Schola Benedictina of Mount Angel Abbey (1)

Schola Calviniana (1)

Schola Cantorum (28)

Schola Cantorum Amsterdam (1)

Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (10)

Schola Cantorum Basiliensis instrumental ensemble (1)

Schola Cantorum Bialostociensis (1)

Schola Cantorum Bruxelliensis (1)

Schola Cantorum Budapestiensis (5)

Schola Cantorum Cantate Domino (1)

Schola Cantorum Ch (4)

Schola Cantorum Choir (2)

Schola Cantorum Coloniensis (1)

Schola Cantorum Copenhagen (2)

Schola Cantorum de Caracas (4)

Schola Cantorum de Caracas/Cantoria Alberto Grau (2)

Schola Cantorum de Venezula (1)

Schola Cantorum di Santa Giustina (2)

Schola Cantorum G. B. Trofello (1)

Schola Cantorum Gedanensis (1)

Schola Cantorum Gregoriana Essen (1)

Schola Cantorum Karolus Magnus (1)

Schola Cantorum of Amsterdam Students (1)

Schola Cantorum of Caracas (1)

Schola Cantorum of New York (3)

Schola Cantorum of Oxford (8)

Schola Cantorum of St. Mary the Virgin (1)

Schola Cantorum of St. Peter’s in the Loop, Chicago (1)

Schola Cantorum of the Cardinal Vaughan Memorial School (1)

Schola Cantorum of the Church of St. Mary the Virgin (2)

Schola Cantorum of the Saint Gregory Society (1)

Schola Cantorum of the Univ of Arkansas (1)

Schola Cantorum of the Ward Institute, Sevenum Holland (2)

Schola Cantorum Oxford (3)

Schola Cantorum-Palmer Memorial Episcopal Church (2)

Schola Cantorum Reykjavicensis (3)

Schola Cantorum Riga (2)

Schola Cantorum San Greggorio Magno (1)

Schola Cantorum Sankt Foillan of Aachen (2)

Schola Cantorum San Sisto (2)

Schola Cantorum Stuttgart (14)

Schola Cantorum Weimar (1)

Schola Cantorum Women’s Ch (2)

Schola des Petits Chanteurs de Notre-Dame de Sion (1)

Schola des Petits Chanteurs de Sion (1)

Schola de Tours (1)

Schola Discantus (6)

Schola Gothia (2)

Schola Gregoriana (3)

Schola Gregoriana Benedetto XVI (1)

Schola Gregoriana de Barcelona (1)

Schola Gregoriana di Venezia (1)

Schola Gregoriana Monacensis (13)

Schola Gregoriana of Cambridge (2)

Schola Gregoriana of the Bruges Cathedral (1)

Schola Gregoriana Pragensis (9)

Schola Gregoriana Scivias Ens (1)

Schola Gregoriana Scriptoria (3)

Schola Hebraeica (2)

Schola Heidelberg (3)

Schola Heidelberg Mixed Ch (1)

Schola Heidelberg Women’s Ch (2)

Schola Hungarica (67)

Schola Hungarica & Liszt Ferenc C O of Budapest (1)

Schola Hungarica Choir & O (1)

Schola Hungarica Ens (3)

Schola ❝Jacopo da Bologna (1)

Schola Juvenil de Venezuela (1)

Schola of Cistercian monks & nuns (1)

Schola of Gloriae Dei Cantores (1)

schola of Maria Laach Abbey (1)

Schola of Monks of the Abbey of Bec Hellouin (2)

Schola of the Abbey in Schlagl, Austria (1)

Schola of the Benedictine Abbey of Gerleve (1)

Schola of the Benedictine Abbey of Münsterschwarzach (2)

Schola of the Benedictine Nuns’ Abbey of St. Hildegard (1)

Schola of the Capella Antiqua of Munich (1)

Schola of the Gloriæ Dei Cantores (3)

Schola of the Hofburgkapelle (1)

Schola of the Vienna Hofburgkapelle (1)

Schola Resupina (1)

Scholars Baroque Ens (13)

Schola Sanctae Sunnivae (1)

Schola San Rocco (1)

Schola San Rocco Ch (1)

Schonbrunn Ens (1)

Schoneberger Sangerknaben (1)

School for Creative & Performing Arts Children’s Ch (1)

School for the Creative & Performing Arts High School Ch (1)

Schubert Consort Amsterdam (1)

Schubert Consort Netherlands (1)

Schubert Ens (23)

Schubert Ens of London (11)

Schubert Qrt (2)

Schütz-Akademie (2)

Schütz-Akademie Howard Arman (1)

Schütz Ch, London (1)

Schütz Ch of London (5)

Schütz Choir of London (10)

Schütz Consort (3)

Schultz-Akademie (1)

Schumann Qrt (4)

Schuppanzigh Qrt (7)

Schutz Choir of London (1)

Schwann-Ens (1)

Schwarzenberg Court O (1)

Schwedischer Rundfunkchor (1)

Schweizer Festspielorchester (1)

Schweriner Blechbläser-Collegium (1)

Science Ficta (1)

Scola Gregoriana Bruges (3)

Scola Metensis (1)

Scordatura Ens (2)

Scordatura Tr (1)

Scorpio Collectief (1)

Scotish Natl O Wind Ens (1)

Scott C Players (1)

Scott-Garrison Duo (4)

Scott/Garrison Duo (4)

Scott Hamilton Qnt (1)

Scottish Ballet O (1)

Scottish Baroque Ens (1)

Scottish Baroque Soloists (4)

Scottish C O (179)

Scottish C O & Ch (12)

Scottish C O Brass (1)

Scottish C Op Ens (2)

Scottish C O Wind Soloists (2)

Scottish E (1)

Scottish Early Music Consort (3)

Scottish Ens (8)

Scottish Festival Brass Bands (1)

Scottish Festival Ch (2)

Scottish Natl Ch (3)

Scottish Natl O (134)

Scottish Natl O & Ch (7)

Scottish Natl Op O & Ch (1)

Scottish Natl O Wind Ens (3)

Scottish Natl Youth O (1)

Scottish Nat Op O & Ch (1)

Scottish Op Ch (7)

Scottish Op O (5)

Scottish Op O & Ch (3)

Scottish P Singers (5)

Scottish Voices (2)

Scratch O (1)

Scripps Javanese Gamelan of the Univ of California (1)

Scuola Cantorum Ch (1)

SDR O Stuttgart (1)

SDR SO (1)

SDR Südfunkchor Stuttgart (1)

Seattle Baroque (4)

Seattle Baroque O (3)

Seattle Chorale (1)

Seattle Chorale & S (1)

Seattle C Music Society (1)

Seattle G & S Society O (3)

Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan O & Ch (2)

Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society O (1)

Seattle Gilbert & Sullivan Society O & Ch (2)

Seattle Girls’ Ch (2)

Seattle Girls’ Choir (2)

Seattle Northwest C O (1)

Seattle Op Ch (1)

Seattle Peace Theatre Singers (1)


Seattle Pro Musica Women’s C Singers (1)

Seattle S & Chorale (27)

Seattle SO (203)

Sebastian New Cotton Club O (1)

Sebastians (1)

Sebastian Str Qrt (1)

Seconda Pratica (1)

Secret Qrt (1)

Sedona Acad of Ch Singers (1)

Sedona Acad of C Singers (1)

Segâh Festival Ens (3)

Seicento vocal ensemble (1)

Seiler C O (2)

Sejong (2)

Sejong Soloists (3)

Seka Gong Adbi Budaya (2)

Sekar Jaya Gamelan O (2)

Seldom Sene Rcr Qnt (4)

Sellers Engineering Band (1)

Selmer Saxharmonic (1)

S. E. M. Ens (3)

Séminaire Européen de Musique Ancienne (1)

Seminarchor Wettingen (2)

seminarians (1)

Semi-Pro Musica Antiqua (1)

Semperconsort (2)

Sendai PO (1)

Sender Freies Berlin O (1)

Senesino Players (1)

Senior Ch of City of London School & School for Girls (1)

S Ens Aktuell (1)

Sentieri Selvaggi (1)

Senzoku Gakuen Symphonic Wind O (5)

Seocho Philharmonia (1)

Seoul Güri PO (1)

Seoul PO (9)

Sepculum Musicae (1)

Sephira Ens Stuttgart (2)

Septura (5)

Sequentia (37)

Sequenza (1)

Sequenza 9.3 (2)

Sequitur (7)

Sequoia Str Qrt (14)

Serafin Str Qrt (8)

Seraphic Fire (5)

Seraphour (1)

Sérénade à trois (1)

Serenade O (1)

Serenata Genève (1)

Serenata of London (1)

Serendipity (2)

Serenissima Ens (1)

Sergius Monastery, Zagorsk (1)

Seriola Cantorum (1)

Seriola Cantorum Budapestiensis (1)

Seriola Cantorum Stuttgart (1)

Seriola Gregoriana di Venezia (1)

Seriola Hebraeica (1)

Sestetto Agosto (1)

Sestetto Classico (2)

Sestina (1)

Sette Voci (3)

Sevan P (1)

Sevan PO (1)

Seventh Avenue (1)

Seventh Florence May Music Festival O & Ch (1)

Seville Royal SO (3)

Sex Chordæ Consort of Violes (1)

Sex Chordae Consort of Viols (2)

Sextet of O U.S.A (1)

Sextuor d’ondes ❝Jeanne Loriod (1)

Sextuor Schoenberg (1)

Sezione Aurea (1)

SFQ (1)

SF SC (1)

SF Sound (1)

S German C Ch (1)

S Grange au Lac (1)

Shaham Erez Wallfisch Tr (1)

Shaham-Erez-Wallfisch Tr (1)

Shaker Family of Sabbathday Lake, Maine (1)

Shakespeare Concerts Ens (4)

Shakespeare Festival Shakespeare in the Park (1)

Shakespeare Sinf (1)

Shakuhachi 1979 (1)

Shanghai Broadcast S (1)

Shanghai Children’s Ch (1)

Shanghai Chinese Folk O (1)

Shanghai Conservatory O (1)

Shanghai Conservatory SO (2)

Shanghai Folk O (1)

Shanghai Op House O (1)

Shanghai PO (1)

Shanghai Qrt (9)

Shanghai SO (12)

Shanghai Str Qrt (3)

Shank-Hagedorn Duo (1)

Sharon Qrt (7)

Shartse College of Ganden Monastery (1)

Sheffield Ch (1)

Sheffield PCh (8)

Shelly Berg Tr (3)

Shenandoah Conservatory Ch (2)

Shen YueBaroque Cr Ch of Beijing (1)

Shepherd Brass Qnt (2)

Shepherd Str Qrt (4)

Sherborne School for Girls C Singers (1)

Sherbrooke Wind Ens (3)

Sheridan Ens (1)

Shesian PO (1)

SHHH!! Ens (1)

Shinsei Nihon SO (1)

Shinyu-Kai Ch (2)

Shinyukai Choir (1)

Shin-yu Kai Choir, Japan (2)

Shinyukai Male Choir (1)

Shizuoka Children’s Ch (1)

Shona Mbira Players (1)

Shonorities (2)

Shorline College Bands (1)

Shorter Chorale (1)

Shostakovich Qrt (7)

Shostakovich Str Qrt (1)

Showa Wind S (1)

Sibelius Acad Baroque Ens (1)

Sibelius Acad Qrt (2)

Sibelius Acad Str Qrt (5)

Sibelius O of Berlin (2)

Siberian SO (15)

Siberian St SO (2)

Siberian St SO Krasnoyarsk (1)

Sibiu PO (1)

Sicilian C O (1)

Sicilian SO (2)

Sidney SO (2)

Sidney Sussex College Cambridge Ch (2)

Siegal-Schwall Blues Band (1)

Siegel-Schwall Band (1)

Siegerland O (1)

Siero CO (2)

Sierra Qrt (1)

Sierra Wind Qnt (2)

Sierre Distric Ch (1)

Siglo de Oro (1)

Sigma Project (1)

Signum Qrt (8)

Sigurd Rascher Saxophone Qrt (1)

S II (1)

Siileyman Erguner Ens (1)

Silesian C O (6)

Silesian C Soloists (2)

Silesian P Ch (3)

Silesian PO (21)

Silesian PO & Ch (1)

Silesian PSO (4)

Silesian RO & Ch (1)

Silesian Str Qrt (11)

Siljian Choir (1)

Silk Road Ens (5)

Silver Carburg Pn Duo (1)

Silver Garburg Pn Duo (1)

Silver-Garburg Pn Duo (1)

Silvestri Str Qr (1)

Sima Tr (1)

Simón Bolívar S Ch & Venezuela O (1)

Simón Bolívar SO (4)

Simon Bolivar SO of Venezuela (11)

Simon Bolivar Univ (1)

Simón Bolivar Youth O members (1)

Simón Bolívar Youth O of Venezuela (17)

Simon Joly Ch (6)

Simon Joly Chorale (6)

Simon Joly Male Ch (1)

Simon Mayr Ch (17)

Simon Mayr Ch & Ens (8)

Simon Mayr Ens & Ch (1)

Simply Red (1)

S in C (2)

Sine Nomine (4)

Sine Nomine Ch (3)

Sine Nomine Str Qrt (1)

Sinf Cracovia (1)

Sinf da Camera (2)

Sinf Finlandia (1)

Sinf of London (36)

Sinf of London Ch (4)

Sinfónica de San Luis Potosi O & Ch (1)

Sinfonica di Milano Giuseppe Verdi O (1)

Sinfonica di Roma O (1)

Sinfonica G. Rossini (1)

Sinfoniechor Dresden (1)

Sinfonieorchester Basel (1)

Sinfonie-Orchester des NDR (1)

Sinfonieorchester des Norddeutschen Rundfunks (1)

Sinfonieorchester des Norddeutschen Rundfunks Hamburg (1)

Sinfonieorchester des Saarlandischen Rundfunks (1)

Sinfonie-Orchester des SDR, Stuttgart (1)

Sinfonie Orchester des Sudwestfunk Baden Baden (1)

Sinfonieorchester des Sudwestfunks, Baden-Baden (2)

Sinfonieorchester des Südwestfunks (4)

Sinfonie-Orchester des WDR Köln (1)

Sinfonie-Orchester RTV Ljubljana (1)

Sinfonie Orchestres des Bayerischen Rundfunks (2)

Sinfonietta (2)

Sinfonietta Cracovia (1)

Sinfonietta de Chambord (1)

Sinfonietta de Lausanne (2)

Sinfonietta de Montréal (2)

Sinfonietta Hamburg (2)

Sinfonietta Leipzig (1)

Sinfonietta of Chambord (1)

Sinfonietta of Riverdale (2)

Sinfonietta Praha (1)

Sinfonietta Qrt (3)

Sinfonietta Riga (10)

Sinfonietta Schaffhausen (2)

Sinfonietta Str Qrt (7)

Sinfonietta Wetzikon (1)

Sinfonietta Wind Qnt (2)

Sinfonye (5)

Sinf Riga (2)

Sinf Varsovia (13)

Singakadakemie Chemnitz (1)

Singakademie (1)

Singakademie Dresden (4)

Singakademie Wien (1)

Singapore Chinese O (1)

Singapore Fest C (1)

Singapore PCCh (1)

Singapore S Ch (3)

Singapore SO (56)

Singapore S Youth Ch (3)

Singapore Tr (1)

Singcircle (2)

Singer Pur (10)

singers & chorus of the Sistine Chapel (1)

Singers & instrumentalists of the Early Music Institute of Indiana Univ (1)

singers from The New Company (1)

Singers from the New South Wales Conservatory School of Op (1)

Singers Madrigale (1)

Singers—Minnesota Choral Artists (1)

Singers of Lucca Cathedral (1)

Singers of the Amsterdam Synagogue (1)

Singers of the Center of Versailles Bar Music Center Singers (1)

Singers of the Crouch End Festival Ch (1)

Singers of the New South Wales Conservatorium School of Op (1)

Singers of the NFM Ch (1)

Singers of the Pentecostal Community (1)

Singgemeinschaft Rudolf Lamy (1)

Singing City Choir (1)

Singkreis der Engadiner Kantorei (1)

Singkreis Zurich (1)

Singschul’ der Op Graz (1)

Singverein der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde (8)

Singverein der Gesellschaft der Musikfreunde Wien (5)

Singverein der Musikfreunde Wien (1)

Sinnerhoffer C O, Munich (1)

Sinnhofer Qrt (3)

Sinnhoffer Str Qrt (1)

Sioux City Six (1)

Sipan-Komitas Armenian Mixed Ch (1)

Sipan-Komitas Choir of Paris (1)

Siren Ens (1)

Sir Georg Solti C O (2)

Sirinu (4)

Sirius Qrt (3)

Sirius Str Qrt (3)

Sirius Viols (2)

Sir John Pritchard, cond, London PO (1)

Sir Malcolm Sargent, cond, Royal PO (1)

Sirtos Ens (1)

sirventes Berlin (1)

Si SO (1)

Sistine Ch (1)

Sistine Chapel Ch (3)

Sistite Sidera (1)

Sit Fast (1)

Sitkovetsky Pn Tr (1)

Sitkovetsky Tr (9)

Sixteen (136)

Sixteen Choir (7)

Sixteen Choir & O (3)

Sixteen O (1)

Sixteen O & Ch (6)

Sixteen Vocal Soloists (1)

Sixth Floor O (3)

sixty1strings (1)

Sjælland Str Qrt (1)

Skáholt Bach Consort (1)

Skálholt Bach Consort (1)

Skálholt Qrt (1)

Skálholt Str Qrt (1)

Škampa Qrt (8)

SKF Matsumotor Ch & Children’s Ch (1)

Skipton Camerata (2)

Skride Pn Qrt (1)

Sky (1)

Slagwerk Den Haag (2)

Slagwerkgroep Den Haag (2)

Slavonic Voices❝ Male C Choir (1)

Slavyanka (1)

Slavyanka Men’s Ch (1)

Slee Sinf C O (1)

Slee Snf (1)

Slokar Brass Ens (2)

Slokar Trombone Qrt (3)

Slokar Trombones (1)

Slovack PCh (1)

Slovack PO (1)

Slovak C Ch (2)

Slovak C Choir (1)

Slovak Ch (1)

Slovak ChO (1)

Slovak Ch of Bratislava (3)

Slovak C O (35)

Slovak C Players (3)

Slovak Folk Ens Ch (1)

Slovakian PCh (2)

Slovakian PO (1)

Slovak Madrigalists (1)

Slovak Natl Op Ch (1)

Slovak Natl Op Choir (1)

Slovak Natl SO (29)

Slovak Natl Theater Op Ch (1)

Slovak NSO (1)

Slovak Op Ch (1)

Slovak P (5)

Slovak P Ch (53)

Slovak P Ch Bratislava (10)

Slovak PCh of Bratislava (1)

Slovak PCM (1)

Slovak Ph Ch (3)

Slovak Phiharmonic O (1)

Slovak Philharmonie Choir (3)

Slovak Piano Duo (1)

Slovak P Male Ch (2)

Slovak PO (110)

Slovak PO & Ch (18)

Slovak PO, Bratislava (1)

Slovak PO, Košice (3)

Slovak PO. Travniček Qrt (1)

Slovak Qrt (4)

Slovak RCh (1)

Slovak R New PO (11)

Slovak R New PO, Bratislava (1)

Slovak RO (8)

Slovak RO, Bratislava (2)

Slovak RO of Bratislava (1)

Slovak R S (3)

Slovak RSO (161)

Slovak RSO & C Ch (1)

Slovak RSO & Ch (3)

Slovak RSO & PCh (1)

Slovak RSO Bratislava (14)

Slovak RSO Ch (2)

Slovak RSO. Duehlmeier-Gritton Piano Duo (1)

Slovak RSO of Bratislava (14)

Slovak RSO of Bratislava{2 } (1)

Slovak Sinf (2)

Slovak Sinfonietta (2)

Slovak Sinfonietta Žilina (1)

Slovak SO (2)

Slovak SRO (1)

Slovak State C O Zilina (1)

Slovak State O of Košice (1)

Slovak State P (2)

Slovak State Philharmonie O (2)

Slovak State PO (28)

Slovak State P of Kosice (3)

Slovak State PO, Kočice (1)

Slovak State PO, Košice (15)

Slovak State RO of Bratislava (1)

Slovak St CO of Zilina (2)

Slovak St P (2)

Slovak St PCh (1)

Slovak St PO, Kočice (1)

Slovak St PO Konice (2)

Slovak St PO, Košice (4)

Slovak St RO (1)

Slovak Str Qrt (1)

Slovene P (1)

Slovene PO (1)

Slovenian Natl O & Ch (2)

Slovenian P Ch (1)

Slovenian PO (6)

Slovenian PO & C Ch (2)

Slovenian R & TV S (1)

Slovenian RSO, Ljubljana (4)

Slovenian RTV SO (1)

Slovenian Str Tr (1)

Slovenia R & TV SO (6)

Slovenic SO (2)

SMCQ Ens (1)

Smetana Str Qrt (68)

Smetana Tr (10)

Smith College C Singers (1)

Smithills School Jr. Ch (1)

Smith Qrt (8)

Smith Qt (1)

Smithsonian C Ch (1)

Smithsonian C O (3)

Smithsonian Concerto Grosso (2)

Smithsonian C Players (15)

Smithsonian Jazz Repertory Ens (1)

Smithson Qrt (1)

Smithson Str Qrt (6)

Smith Square (5)

Smoke & Mirrors Perc Ens (1)

SMU Meadows SO (1)

Snark Ens (3)

Snark Pit-Band (3)

Sneak’s Noyse (1)

Snf (1)

Snf 21 (2)

Snf Ch (6)

Snf Classica (1)

Snf da Camera (21)

Snf da Camera of Illinois (1)

Snf da Camera of Urbana Illinois (1)

Snf d’Anvers (1)

Snf de Chambord (1)

Snf Finlandia (1)

Snf Finlandia Juväskylä (1)

Snf finlandia jyvaeskylae (10)

Snf G. Rossini (1)

Snf Hungarica (1)

Snf Iuventus (3)

Snf Lahti (1)

Snf Lahti C Ens (4)

Snf Lahti Wind Qnt (1)

Snf Mariachi Águilas de America (1)

Snf of Leeds (1)

Snf of London (14)

Snf of St. Bartholomew (1)

Snf of St. Cecilia (1)

Snf O of Chicago (1)

Snf Stuttgart (1)

Snf Toronto (3)

Snf Varesovia (1)

Snf Varsóvá (2)

Snf Varsovia (69)

Snf Varvosia (6)

Snf Verdi (1)

Snf ViVA (1)

S Nova Scotia (8)

S Number One (2)

SO (57)

SO Aachen (1)

SO & Ch de Teatro Municipal São Paolo (1)

SO & Ch di Milano Giuseppe Verdi (2)

SO & Ch of Madrid (1)

SO & Ch of Milan Giuseppe Verdi (1)

SO & Ch of Paris (1)

SO & Ch of RAI, Milan (1)

SO & Ch of RAI, Turin (1)

SO & Ch of Savona (1)

SO & Ch Yvonne Gouverné (2)

SO ❝Arturo Toscanini❝ of Emilia Romagna (1)

SO Baden-Baden (1)

SO Bayern Rundfunk (1)

SO Biel Solorthun (1)

SO “Carlo Coccia” di Novara (1)

SO, Ch, & Children’s Ch of Théâtre Royal de la Monnaie / de Munt (1)

Sociedad Coral de Bilbao (3)

Società Cameristica di Lugano (3)

Società italiano di musica da camera (1)

Societas Musica C O of Copenhagen (1)

Société Chorale du Brassus (1)

Société de musique contemporaine de Québec (1)

Société de musique contemporaine du Quebec (2)

Société des Concerts du Conservatoire (1)

Société d’O Bienne (1)

Société d’Orchestre Bienne (1)

Société royale de chant ❝l’Emulation (1)

Society BBC SO (2)

Society for New Music (2)

Society of Friends of Music Ch (1)

Socken Tr (1)

SO “Classica” di Alessandria (1)

SO de Barcelona i Natl de Catalunya (1)

SO de la R Television Espaňola (1)

SO de la R TV Espanola (1)

SO de Montréal (1)

SO de Québec (1)

SO des Bayerischen Rundfunks (3)

SO des Norddeutschen Rundfunks (1)

SO des Sudwestfunks Baden-Baden (2)

SO di Milano Giuseppe Verdi (1)

SO do Estado de Säo Paulo (1)

Soeur Marie Keyrouz (3)

S of Harmony & Invention (11)

Sofia Amadeus O (1)

Sofia C Ch (5)

Sofia Chorale (1)

Sofia C O (3)

Sofia C Soloists (2)

Sofia Festival O (4)

Sofia Metropolitan Golden Voices (1)

Sofia Natl Op Ch (6)

Sofia Natl Op House O & Ch (1)

Sofia Natl Op Male Ch (1)

Sofia Natl Op O (6)

Sofia Natl Op O & Ch (10)

Sofia Natl Op Song Ens (1)

Sofia Natl Op Voc Soloists (1)

Sofia Op & Ballet O & Ch (1)

Sofia Op Ch (1)

Sofia Op O & Ch (3)

Sofia Orthodox Ch (2)

Sofia Orthodox Choir (1)

Sofia Orthodox Ens (1)

Sofia PO (48)

Sofia PO & Ch (4)

Sofia RCh (1)

Sofia Session O (2)

Sofia Sinf (1)

Sofia SO (9)

Sofia Solisten (1)

Sofia Soloists (8)

Sofia Soloists C Ens (8)

Sofia Soloists C O (4)

Sofia Soloists Music Society (1)

Sofia Soloists SO (2)

Sofia State PO (6)

Sofia Stri Qrt. Bulgarian Natl R Str Qrt (1)

Sofia Str Qrt (1)

S of the Air (50)

S of the Bayerischen Rundfunk (1)

S of the Shores (1)

SO Graunke (4)

Soiistenchor Freiburg (1)

Soioisti dell’Academia Musicale Napoletana (1)

SO Kremlin (2)

Solamente Naturali (5)

Solarek Pn Tr (1)

Solaris Qrt (1)

Solaris Voc Ens (1)

Solaris Wind Qnt (1)

Solar Plexus (1)

Solar Winds (1)

Solati Tr (1)

Solbery Centenary Singers (1)

Soldier Str Qrt (1)

Solem Qrt (1)

Solem Str Qrt (2)

Soli C Ens (4)

Solid Brass (2)

Soli Deo Gloria Cantorum (1)

Solingen-Remscheid SO (1)

Solistas de México (1)

Solistas de Minería (1)

Solist Band (1)

Solistenchor Freiburg (4)

Solisten der Rheinischen Kantorei (1)

Solisten-Ens Berlin (1)

Solistenensemble Berlin (1)

Solistenensemble Kaleidoskop (1)

solistenensemble stimmkunst (1)

Solistenens Ex Tempore (3)

Solistensemble Kaleidoskop (1)

Solistenvereinigung Berlin (1)

Solistenvereinigung Trossingen (1)

Solistes de l’Ens InterContemporain (1)

Solistes de l’Orchestre de Paris (1)

Solistes de l’Orchestre du Théâtre Natl de l’Opéra de Paris (1)

Solistes de l’Orchestre Philharmonique de R-France (1)

Solistes de Lyon (3)

Solistes des Siècles (1)

Solistes Européens (2)

Solistes Européens, Luxembourg (6)

Solistes Montpellier-Moscou (3)

Solisti Cantori (2)

Solisti della Cappella Musicale di San Petronio (2)

Solisti dell’O Internazionale d’Italia (1)

Solisti di Praga (2)

Solisti New York (4)

Solisti New York C O (1)

Solisti Veneti (4)

Solitude-Ch Stuttgart (1)

Sollazzo Ens (3)

Sollegium Aureum (1)

Solna Brass (1)

Soloduo (1)

Solo Ens & Choir of the Berlin R (2)

Solo Ens of the USSR State Academic SO (1)

Soloistengemeinschaft der Bachwoche Ansbach (1)

soloist ensemble of the USSR SO (1)

Soloist Ens of Lucerne Music School (1)

Soloistes de la Maîtrise de R-France (1)

Soloistes Européens (1)

Soloistes Européens Luxembourg (1)

soloists (404)

Soloists & C Choir of the Augsburger Domsingknaben (1)

Soloists & Ch Group (1)

Soloists & Ch of the Claudio Abbado Civic Music School (1)

Soloists & Ch of the Vienna State Op (1)

Soloists & choir of the Accademia Monteverdiana (1)

Soloists & choir of the Augsburg Domsingknaben (1)

Soloists & Choir of the Riverside Church, New York City (1)

Soloists & Choirs of Polish RSO of Krakow (1)

soloists & commentators (1)

Soloists & Ens (1)

Soloists & Musicians of the Paris Op O, Bastille (1)

Soloists’Association (1)

Soloists’ Association of the Ansbach Bach Week (2)

Soloists, Ballet, Ch, & O of the Mariinsky Theater (1)

Soloists C Ens (1)

Soloists Ens (3)

Soloists ensemble from the Bolshoi Theatre O in Moscow (1)

Soloists Ens of the Bolshoi Theater O (2)

Soloists’ Ens of the Ch of the Lyon Natl O (1)

Soloist’s Ens of the Moscow R & TV Great SO (1)

Soloists’ Ens of the USSR Academic SO (2)

Soloists Ens of the USSR RSO (1)

Soloists Ens of the USSR SO (2)

Soloists’ Ens of the USSR State SO (1)

Soloists from the Ch of the Lyon O (1)

Soloists from The C O of Europe (2)

soloists from the Marlboro Music Festival (1)

soloists from the Moscow PO (1)

soloists, London SO (1)

Soloists O & Ch of the Central Op, Peking (1)

Soloists of Australia (4)

Soloists of Belgian CO (1)

Soloists of Brussels P (1)

Soloists of Cappella Neapolitana (1)

Soloists of Concert Spirituel (1)

Soloists of Ens 2e 2m (1)

soloists of Knabenchor Hannover (1)

soloists of L’Ens 2E2M (1)

soloists of L’Ens Intercontemporain (1)

Soloists of New College Oxford (1)

Soloists of RAI SO, Turin (1)

Soloists of Staatskapelle Weimar (1)

Soloists of the Basel RSO (1)

Soloists of the Bavarian RSO (1)

Soloists of the Berlin R (1)

soloists of the Bolshoi Theater O (1)

soloists of the Boy Ch (1)

Soloists of the Brussels P (1)

soloists of the Cappella Musicale of San Petronio (1)

soloists of the Cappella Musicale of San Petronio, Bologna (1)

Soloists Of the choruses & orchestras of the South German Rs (1)

Soloists of the Consortium Classicum (1)

Soloists of the C O of Europe (2)

Soloists of the Deutsche Kammerphilharmonie (1)

Soloists of the Deutsches SO Berlin (1)

Soloists of the D’Oyly Carte Op Company (3)

Soloists of the Festival Strs Lucerne (1)

Soloists of the French Natl O (1)

Soloists of the Gregg Smith Singers (1)

Soloists of the International Musicians Seminar (1)

Soloists of the Israel PO (1)

Soloists of the Kirov Op (1)

Soloists of the Lausanne Vocal Ens (1)

Soloists of the London PO (1)

Soloists of the Lucerne Festival O (1)

Soloists of the Lucerne Festival Strs (1)

Soloists of the Moscow Ens of Contemporary Music (1)

Soloists of the Munich P (1)

Soloists of the New London C Choir (1)

soloists of the Orchestre Natl de France (2)

Soloists of the ORTF Ches (1)

Soloists of the Pacific Rim (1)

soloists of the Paris Natl Op O (2)

Soloists of the Prague C O (1)

soloists of the Prague RSO (1)

Soloists of the São Paulo SO (1)

Soloists of the Spanish Natl O (1)

soloists of the Tölzer Knabenchor (3)

Soloists of the Westphalian Kantorei (1)

Soloists of the Wrocław Baroque O (1)

Solomon’s Knot (2)

Solomon Str Qrt (1)

Solomon Tr (2)

Solo Qrt (1)

Solstice Ens (1)

Solti C O (1)

Sølvguttene Boys’ Ch (1)

Somogyi Str Qrt (1)

Sonanza (4)

Sonare Qrt (17)

Sonare Qrtt (1)

Sonare Qrtt Frankfurt (2)

Sonare Str Qrt, Frankfurt (1)

Sonar Qrt (1)

Sonar Str Qrt (1)

Sonatores Pannoniae (1)

Sonatori da la Gioiosa Marca, Treviso (1)

Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca (13)

Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marca of Treviso (1)

Sonatori de la Gioiosa Marco (1)

Sonatori di Praga (1)

Sonatori Ens (1)

Sond’Arte Electric Ens (1)

Sonderchor des Opernhauses Nürnberg (1)

Sonder Jutland O (1)

Sønderjyllands SO (1)

Song Company (1)

Songfellows (1)

Songmakers’ Almanac (3)

Sonic.Art Saxophone Qrt (2)

Soni Ventorum (2)

Soni Ventorum Qnt (1)

Soni Ventorum Wind Qnt (5)

Sonnambula (2)

Sonnerie (9)


Sonora Ens (4)

Sonora Winds (2)

SONOR Ens (2)

SONOR Ens of UCSD (3)

Sonoro (2)

Sonorum Concentus Roma (1)

Sons of Orpheus (1)

Sons of the Pioneers (1)

Sons of Thunder ensemble (1)

Son Sonora Ens (3)

Son Sonora Qrt (1)

Son Sonora Voices (2)

SO “Nuova Cameristica di Milano (1)

SO of Baden-Baden (1)

SO of Basel (1)

SO of Bavarian R (1)

SO of Brazil (1)

SO of Bulgaria (1)

SO of Bulgarian Natl R (2)

SO of Cracow (1)

SO of Emilia Romagna ❝A. Toscanini (1)

SO of Flanders (1)

SO of Harmony & Invention (1)

SO of Hessian R (1)

SO of Hollywood (1)

SO of Italian R, Turin (1)

SO of Jalapa (2)

SO of Japan (1)

SO of La Monnaie (1)

SO of Liège (2)

SO of London (1)

SO of Luxembourg R-Television (1)

SO of Milan Italian R (1)

SO of Milano della Rai (1)

SO of ❝Mineria (1)

SO of Moscow St PO (1)

SO of North Grerman RSO Hamburg (1)

SO of Piacenza (1)

SO of Polish R (1)

SO of Prague (4)

SO of RAI Milan (1)

SO of RAI Rome (2)

SO of R & Television Slovenia (1)

SO of R Berlin (2)

SO of R Budapest (1)

SO of Rome Italian R (1)

SO of R-Television Belgrade (4)

SO of RTV Slovenia (1)

SO of Russia (3)

SO of R Zagreb (2)

SO of San Remo (2)

SO of Southwest German R, Baden-Baden (1)

SO of St. Gallen (1)

SO of St. Petersburg Cappella (1)

SO of Stuttgart R (1)

SO of Tenerif (1)

SO of the Athens R (1)

SO of the Bacau P (1)

SO of the Baltic P (1)

SO of the Bavarian R (14)

SO of the Bayreuth R (1)

SO of the Belgian Natl Op (1)

SO of the Belgian R (1)

SO of the B.R.T (1)

SO of the Cologne R (1)

SO of the Curtis Institute of Music (2)

SO of the Czechoslovak R of Prague (1)

SO of the Donetsk Op (1)

SO of the Gran Teatre del Liceu (2)

SO of the Hamburg R (1)

SO of the Hessian R (1)

SO of the Hessian R, Frankfurt (1)

SO of the INR (1)

SO of the Leningrad St P (1)

SO of the Moldavian R-Television, Kisinev (1)

SO of the Moldova P (1)

SO of the Moscow Conservatory (2)

SO of the Moscow Philharmony (1)

SO of the Moscow R (1)

SO of the Natl P of Warsaw (1)

SO of the Natl Polish R (1)

SO of the Natl P “Serghei Lunchevici” of Republic of Moldova (8)

SO of the North German R (2)

SO of the North German R, Hamburg (2)

SO of the Northwest German R (1)

SO of the Op Class of the State. Petersburg Conservatoire (1)

SO of the Rousse P (2)

SO of the R.T.B.F (1)

SO of the Silesian P (1)

SO of the Southwestern R, Baden-Baden (1)

SO of the Southwest German R (2)

SO of the Southwest German R, Baden-Baden (4)

SO of the Spanish R & Television (1)

SO of the State Acad of the USSR (1)

SO of the State of Mexico (7)

SO of the St P Society (1)

SO of the Südwestfunk (1)

SO of the Südwestfunk, Baden-Baden (1)

SO of the Swedish R (1)

SO of the Univ of Chile (1)

SO of the USSR (1)

SO of the USSR Ministry of Culture (2)

SO of the Vienna Volksoper (4)

SO of the Vlaamse Op Antwerp/Ghent (1)

SO of Torino della Rai (1)

SO Perc (4)

SŌ Percussion (1)

Sophia Ch (1)

Sophia PO (1)

Sophisticated Ladies (1)

SO RAI di Torino (1)

Soranus Ch (1)

Sorrel Qrt (16)

Sorrel Str Qrt (1)

SO Saarländischer Rundfunk (1)

Sospeso Ens (2)

SO St. Gallen (3)

SO, St. Petersburg (1)

S o the Air (1)

Sotia Natl Op O & Ch (1)

Sound & the Fury (5)

Sound Pressure (1)

Sounds Baroque (4)

Sound Space Ark (1)

SoundStroke (1)

Soundtrack (4)

Soundwood Ens (1)

Sousa’s Band (6)

South African C Music Society (1)

South Australia St Op (2)

South Australia St Op Ch (1)

Southbank Snf (4)

South Czech PO (1)

South Dakota Ch (1)

South Dakota SO (1)

South Dakota S Strs (1)

South Denmark P (2)

Southeastern Louisiana Univ Women’s Ch (1)

Southend Boys’ & Girls’ Ch (1)

Southend Boys’ Ch (5)

Southend Boys’ Choir (14)

Southern Festival O (1)

Southern Finland Student Nation Choir (1)

Southern Illinois Univ Fl Ch (1)

Southern Jutland SO (2)

Southern Methodist Univ Choir (1)

Southern Mississippi Univ Chorale & Jazz Ens (1)

Southern Oregon Univ Perc Ens (1)

Southern Pro Arte (3)

Southern Sinf (3)

Southern Snf (2)

Southern Voices (2)

South Florida SO (1)

South German C Ch (1)

South German C O, Pforzheim (1)

South German C Soloists (1)

South German Madrigal Ch (4)

South German Madrigal Choir, Stuttgart (1)

South German P (2)

South German RCh (4)

South German RO, Walter Heller O (1)

South German RSO (9)

South German RSO & Ch (1)

South German RSO Baden und Freiburg (1)

South German RSO Stuttgart (1)

South German R Women’s Ch (1)

South German Str Oct (1)

South Jutland S (1)

South Jutland SO (12)

Southland Stingers (2)

South Netherlands P (1)

South Netherlands PO (5)

South RCh & O, Stuttgart (1)

South-R Choir, Stuttgart (1)

Southwark Voices (1)

Southwest C Music (1)

Southwest C Music Society (2)

Southwest CO Pforzheim (2)

Southwestern German CO Pforzheim (1)

Southwestern State Univ Wind Ens (1)

Southwestfalian PO (1)

Southwest German Ch O, Pforzheim (1)

Southwest German C O (10)

Southwest German C O, Pforzheim (20)

Southwest German PO (2)

Southwest German R Ch & SO Baden-Baden (1)

Southwest German RO (13)

Southwest German RO, Baden-Baden (5)

Southwest German RO Kaiserlautern (4)

Southwest German RO Kaiserslautern (8)

Southwest German RO of Baden-Baden (2)

South West German RSO (40)

Southwest German RSO & Vocal Ens (2)

Southwest German RSO Baden-Baden (14)

Southwest-German RSO, Baden-Baden (1)

Souťh-West German RSO Baden-Baden (1)

Southwest German RSO, Baden-Baden & Freiberg (1)

South West German RSO Baden-Baden & Freiburg (2)

Southwest German RSO Baden-Baden/Freiburg (2)

Southwest German RSO, Baden-Baden und Freiburg (2)

Southwest German RSO Kaiserslautern (1)

Southwest German RSO Stuttgart (10)

Southwest German R Vocal Ens (1)

Southwest German R Vocal Ens Stuttgart (2)

Southwest German R Voc Ens (4)

Southwest German SO (1)

Southwest German SO Stuttgart (1)

Southwest Iowa SO (1)

Southwest RO Baden-Baden (6)

Southwest RSO (2)

Southwest RSO, Baden-Baden (2)

Southwest RSO of Baden-Baden & Freiburg (1)

Southwest R S Orchstra Baden-Baden (1)

Soviet Cinema O (2)

Soviet Cinema O & Ch (1)

Soviet Emigré O (1)

Soviet RCh & SO (1)

Soviet Song Ens (1)

SO Wupperthal (1)

Spandauer Kantorei Berlin (4)

Spandau Kantorei (1)

Spanish Art Gtr Qrt (1)

Spanish Brass (1)

Spanish Natl Ch (1)

Spanish Natl O (18)

Spanish PO (2)

Spanish R & TV & Ch (1)

Spanish R & TV O & Ch (1)

Spanish R & TV SO (1)

Spatial Forces Duo (1)

Special Ch (1)

Spectre de la Rose (1)

Spectrum (3)

Spectrum Concerts Berlin (11)

Spectrum Gtr Qrt (1)

Speculum Ens (1)

Speculum Musicae (45)

Speculum Musicae Str Qrt (2)

Spektral Qrt Chicago (2)

Speranza Tr (1)

Spezzati Ch (1)

Sphera Antiqva (1)

Sphere (3)

Spiegel Qrt (3)

Spiegel Str Qrt (1)

Spike Jones & his City Slickers (2)

Spike Jones & his Other O (1)

Spike Jones & unidentified ensemble (1)

Spīķeru Str Qrt (3)

Spira Mirabilis (1)

SpiriTango Qrt (2)

Spiritato (2)

Spirito (2)

Spirito/Choeurs de Lyon-Bernard Tétu (1)

Spirito/Chœurs et solistes de Lyon-Bernard Tétu (1)

Spirit of American Band (1)

Spirit of Europe (1)

Spirit of Europe C O (1)

Spirit of Europe O (1)

Spirit of Gambo (4)

Spiritual Revival Ch (1)

Spiritual Revival Ch of Moscow’s Schnittke Institute of Music (1)

Spiritual Revival Ch of Russia (1)

Spiritus C Ch (1)

Spitfire Band (1)

Spivey Hall Children’s Ch (1)

Splengler Gamba Consort (1)

Splinter Reeds (1)

Spoleto Festival Choir (1)

Spoleto Festival O (15)

Spoleto Festival O & Ch (3)

Spoleto Festival USA O (1)

Spontini Classic O (1)

Sprectrum (1)

Springfield SO (2)

Spring Studio Children’s Ch (1)

Sp!tsbergen (1)

Spyros Pn Tr (1)

Squonk Op (1)

ssaloniki State SO (6)

Ssens Tr (4)

Staatliche Philharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz (1)

Staat O Stuttgart (1)

Staats- & Domchor Berlin (1)

Staatsballet Berlin (3)

Staatskapelle Berlin (144)

Staatskapelle Berlin O (1)

Staatskapelle Berlin O & Ch (2)

Staatskapelle Berlin Str Qrt (1)

Staatskapelle Dresden (336)

Staatskapelle Dresden & Ch (1)

Staatskapelle Dresden & Saxon St Op Ch (1)

Staatskapelle Dresden Wind Soloists (2)

Staatskapelle Halle (1)

Staatskapelle Weimar (29)

Staatskapelle Weimer (1)

Staatsopemchor (1)

Staatsoper Berlin, 1944 O & Ch (1)

Staatsoper Berlin O (1)

Staatsoper, Berlin O & Ch (2)

Staatsoper Ch (2)

Staatsoper Dresden Ch (1)

Staatsoperette Dresden O & Ch (2)

Staatsopernchor (2)

Staatsopernchor Berlin (1)

Staatsopernchor Dresden (4)

Staatsoper Stuttgart O & Ch (1)

Staatsoper Unter den Linden Ch (1)

Staatsorchester Frankfurt (2)

Staatsorchester of Brandenburg in Frankfurt (1)

Staatsorchester Rheinische Philharmonie (4)

Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz (20)

Staatsphilharmonie Rheinland-Pfalz St PO (1)

Staats- und Domchor Berlin (6)

Stabile di Alba SO (1)

St Academic Ch (1)

St Academic O of Russia “Evgeny Svetlanov” (1)

St Academic SO “Evgeny Svetlanov” (4)

St Academic SO of Russia (3)

St Academic SO of Russia “Evgeny Svetlanov” (3)

St Acad of Music SO & Ch, Stockholm (1)

St Acad SO of the USSR (1)

Stadium SO of New York (3)

Stadler Qnt (1)

Stadtischer Musikverein Düsseldorf (1)

Stadtischer Opernchor, Chemnitz (1)

Stadtsingechor Halle (3)

Stadtsingerchor Halle (1)

Städischer Musikverein Paderborn (1)

Städtischer Konzertchor Duisberg (1)

Städtischer Musikverein Ch zu Düsseldorf (1)

Städtischer Musikverein, Düsseldorf (1)

Städtischer Musikverein zu Düsseldorf (4)

Städtischer Musikverein zu Düsseldorf Ch (1)

Städtisches Musikvereins zu Düsseldorf Ch (1)

Staff Band of the Norwegian Armed Forces (4)

Stage O of Austrian Federal Theatres (1)

Stage O of the Vienna St Op (1)

St. Albans Abbey Girls Ch (2)

St. Albans Cathedral Ch (3)

St. Albans Cathedral Ch Lay Clerks (1)

St Albans Cathedral Girls Ch (2)

St. Alban’s Choristers (1)

Stalder Qnt (3)

Stalder Wind Qnt (1)

St. Amant Consort (1)

Stamic Qrt (15)

Stamic Qt (1)

Stamitz-Qrtt (4)

Stamitz Qrtt Prag (1)

Stamitz Str Qrt (18)

Stanbery Singers (2)

Standard Hour O (2)

Standard Hour SO (1)

Standard SO (3)

Standard SO, Los Angeles (2)

Stanford Philharmonia & C Ch (2)

Stanford Str Qrt (2)

Stanford Univ Collective (2)

Stanford Ww Qnt (1)

Stanislas Ens (1)

Stanislas Qrt (7)

Stanislas Str Qrt (1)

Stanislaus Qrt (1)

Stanislavsky & Nemirovich-Danchenko Musical Theater O & Ch (1)

Stanislavsky Ch (1)

Stanislavsky Theater O & Ch (1)

Stan Kenton, his Innovations In Modern Music O (1)

Stanley Wilson O (1)

St. Anthony Singers (14)

St. Anthony Singers Philomusica of London (1)

Stardust Tr (1)

Star of Indiana (2)

stars of Jazz at the P (1)

Startime O (1)

State Academic Cappella of State. Petersburg SO (1)

State Academic Choir (1)

State Academic Male Choir of the Estonian S.S.R. Helsinki PO (1)

State Academic Male Choir of the Estonian S.S.R. Helsinki Univ Mixed Choi (1)

State Academic Russian Ch (1)

State Academic SO (5)

State Academic SO of Russia (1)

State Academic SO of the USSR (2)

State Academic SO Russia (1)

State Broadcast O (1)

State C Ch (1)

State Ch of Kaunas Lithuania (1)

State Ch of Latvia (1)

State Choir of Latvia (2)

State C O of Georgia (1)

State C O of Zilina (1)

State O, Berlin (1)

State of Mexico SO (7)

State O of Lower Saxony at Hannover (1)

State Op Ch Dresden (1)

State Op Concert Choir (1)

State Petersburg C Ch (8)

State Philharmonie, Breslau (1)

State Philharmonie of Rheinland-Pfalz (3)

State PO "Artur Rubinstein" in Lodz (1)

State P of Brno (1)

State PO, Hamburg (1)

Statera Qrt (1)

State Russian Choir (2)

State S Capella of Russia (1)

State SO (28)

State SO & Ch of Georgia (1)

State S of O of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (1)

State SO of Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (1)

State SO of Russia (5)

State SO of Russian Federation (1)

State SO of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (1)

State SO of the Ministry of Culture (6)

State SO of the Russian Federation (4)

State SO of the Ukrainian SSR (1)

State SO of the USSR (8)

State Str Qrt of Georgia (1)

Stationwagon Tr (1)

Stato Police Music Band (1)

Statskapelle Dresden (1)

St. Augustin O & Ch (1)

St. Augustin, Vienna O & Ch (2)

Stavager SO (1)

Stavanger SO (30)

St. Barbara Choir Geesthacht (1)

St. Bartholomew’s Hospital Choral Society (1)

St. Bavo Cathedral Boy Choir of Haarlem (1)

St. Bride’s Ch (1)

St Catharine’s College Cambridge Ch (1)

St Catharine’s College Cambridge Girls’ Ch (1)

St. Cecilia Acad O (1)

St. Cecilia Acad O & Ch (5)

St. Cecilia Acad O & Ch, Rome (2)

St. Cecilia Acad of Rome O & Ch (3)

St. Cecilia Acad, Rome O & Ch (6)

St. Cecilia Capelia Musicale of Lucca (1)

St. Cecilia Chapel choir of Lucca (1)

St. Cecilia Ch of Girls (1)

St. Cecilia Ch of Girls, Christ Church Greenwich, Connecticut (1)

St. Charles Singers (11)

St Ch Latvia (5)

St Ch Latvija (10)

St Ch of Riga (1)

St. Christopher Ch O (1)

St. Christopher C O (6)

St. Christopher C O of Lithuania (3)

St Christopher C O, Vilnius (2)

St Cinematographic O (1)

St Cinematographic SO (1)

St. Clair Tr (1)

St. Clement Danes Grammar School Boys’ Ch (5)

St. Clement Danes School Ch (2)

Stefan Kahle (2)

Stefan Plewniak (1)

Stefan Solyom (2)

Stefan Zweig Tr (1)

Steinerius Duo (1)

Steiner Piano Tri (1)

Steintor Barock Bremen (2)

Stellar Brass (1)

Stem des Volks (1)

Stemmenklang (1)

Stenhammar Qrt (12)

Stenhammer Qrt (2)

Stenzel Piano Duo (1)

Stéphane Caillât Chorale (1)

Stéphane Caillât Vocal Ens (2)

Stéphane Kerecki Qrt (1)

Stephan-König Tr (1)

Stephen Hill Singers (1)

Stephen Roane Qrt (2)

St. Ephraim Male Ch (1)

Sterk’scher Private Choir (1)

Sterling C O (1)

Steve Beresford/Pat Thomas/Veryan Weston (1)

Steve Kuhn Qrt (1)

Steve Kuhn Tr (2)

Steve Martland Band (3)

Steven Taylor (1)

Steve Reich & Musicians (8)

Steve Reich Ens (7)

St. Florian Boys’ Ch (1)

St. Florian Children’s Ch (1)

St. Florianer Sängerknaben (1)

St. Florianer Sängerknaben Ch (1)

St. Florianer Sängerknaben und Mäannerchor (1)

St. Florian Men’s Ch (1)

St Florian’s Boys’ Choir (1)

St. Gabriel Boys Ch (1)

St Gallen Theater O & Ch (1)

St. George Chapel Choir, Windsor (1)

St. George Qnt (1)

St. George’s Canzona (6)

St. George’s Cathedral Ch (1)

St. George’s Chapel Ch, Windsor Castle (1)

St George Strs (1)

St. Hedwig Cathedral Ch (1)

St. Hedwig’s Cathedral Ch, Berlin (10)

St Hedwig’s Cathedral Ch Members (1)

St Hermitage O (1)

Stift Festival O (2)

St. Ignatius Loyola Ch (4)

Stile antico (24)

Stile Galante (2)

StilModerno Ens (1)

Stimmwerck (4)

Sting (11)

St. Jacob Choir (1)

St Jacob Choir, Stockholm (1)

St Jacobs C Ch (4)

St. Jacob’s C Choir (1)

St. Jacob’s C Ch, Stockholm (1)

St. James’ Baroque (1)

St. James Baroque Players (1)

St. James Cath Ch (1)

St. James’s Baroque Players (3)

St. James’s Baroque Players & Singers (1)

St.John’s Cathedral, Denver O & Ch (2)

St. John’s Ch (1)

St. John’s College Cambridge Ch (1)

St. John’s College Ch (1)

St. John’s College Ch, Cambridge (8)

St. John’s Snf (2)

St. John’s Voices (1)

St Kapella SO (1)

St. Klemens School Children’s Choir (1)

St. Lawrence Choir (1)

St. Lawrence Qrt (1)

St. Louis CO (5)

St. Louis C Players (1)

St. Louis Ens (1)

St. Louis Ens of Eight (1)

St. Louis Low Brass Collective (1)

St. Louis Low Brass Collective{3 } (1)

St. Louis P (1)

St Louis S & Ch (2)

St. Louis S Ch (3)

St. Louis SO (168)

St. Louis SO & Ch (3)

St Luke’s Chelsea Ch (1)

St. Luke’s Ch Ens (1)

St. Luke’s O (1)

St. Luke’s O & Ch (1)

St. Luke’s Str Qrt (1)

St. Martin-in-the-Fields Acad & Ch (1)

St. Martin in the Fields Wind Ens (1)

St. Martin’s C Ch (5)

St. Mary’s Brass (1)

St. Mary’s Cathedral Choir (2)

St. Mary’s Cathedral Choir, Sydney (1)

St. Mary’s Music School O (1)

St. Mary’s Schola Cantorum (1)

St. Michaelis Choir, Hamburg (1)

St. Michaelis O & Ch (1)

St.-Michaelis O & Ch (1)

St. Michael’s Abbey Ch (1)

St. Michael’s Singers (3)

St Michael Strs (1)

St. Michael Tr (2)

St. Michel Str O (1)

St. Michel Strs (1)

St. Nicholas C O (1)

Stockholm Arts Tr (2)

Stockholm Bach Ch (6)

Stockholm Baroque Ens (1)

Stockholm Boys’ Choir (1)

Stockholm Cathedral Choir (3)

Stockholm C Brass (5)

Stockholm C Ch (1)

Stockholm C Ch{2} (1)

Stockholm C Choir (11)

Stockholm C Ens (7)

Stockholm Ch (1)

Stockholm C O (11)

Stockholm Concert Band (1)

Stockholm Concert O (1)

Stockholm C Soloists (1)

Stockholm Ens (1)

Stockholmer Kammerchor (1)

Stockholm Festival O (2)

Stockholm Gtr Tr (1)

Stockholm Kammerkören (1)

Stockholm Konsertförenings O (2)

Stockholm Motet Choir (3)

Stockholm Natl O (1)

Stockholm P (14)

Stockholm P Brass Choir (1)

Stockholm P Brass Ens (1)

Stockholm PCh (5)

Stockholm Philharmonie O (1)

Stockholm Philharmonie O & Ch (1)

Stockholm PO (91)

Stockholm PO & Ch (9)

Stockholm PO & Male Choir (1)

Stockholm POs (1)

Stockholm P Wind Qnt (1)

Stockholm Qrt (1)

Stockholm RCh (3)

Stockholm RO (3)

Stockholm Royal Op O (2)

Stockholm RSO (1)

Stockholm Saxophone Qrt (1)

Stockholms Ensns symfoniorkester (1)

Stockholm Sinfonietta (18)

Stockholm SO (1)

Stockholms Poulenc-ens (1)

Stockholms Studentsangare (1)

Stockholm Strauss O (2)

Stockholm Symphonic Wind O (2)

Stockholm Syndrome Ens (1)

Stockholm Univ Ch (2)

Stockholm Univ Male Choir (1)

Stockholm Wind Qnt (5)

Stockholm Wind S (1)

St of Mexico SO (1)

St O Frankfurt (1)

Stokholm PO (1)

St. Olaf O (1)

St. Olave’s Tr (1)

Stoltz Qrt (1)

Stony Brook Camerata Singers (1)

Stony Brook Contemporary Players (2)

St O of Frankfurt an der Oder (1)

St O of Victoria (2)

St Op Ch Berlin (1)

Stora Teaterns of Gothenburg O & Ch (1)

St O Rheinische P (1)

Storioni Tr (8)

Storioni Tr Amsterdam (1)

Storkyrkan Ch (1)

Storkyrkans Ch (2)

Storkyrkans Kör (1)

Stour Music Festival C O (1)

Stour Music Festival O (1)

Stowe Festival O & Ch (1)

St. Paul Ch O (1)

St. Paul C O (30)

St. Paul C O members (1)

St. Pauli-Kantorei Bremen (1)

St. Paul’s Cathedral Boys’ Choir (1)

St. Paul’s Cathedral Ch, London (1)

St. Paul’s Cathedral Choir (7)

St. Paul’s Cathedral Choristers (1)

St. Paul’s Cathedral Men & Boys Ch (1)

St. Paul’s Church Boys’ Ch (1)

St. Paul’s Church, Chestnut Hill Ch (1)

St. Paul’s Mozart O & Cathedral Ch (1)

St. Paul SO (2)

St Paul’s Sinf (2)

St. Petersberg Philharmonia (1)

St Peter’s Boys’ Ch (2)

St. Petersburg Academic PO (1)

St. Petersburg Academic SO (1)

St. Petersburg Camerata (3)

St. Petersburg Camerata O of the State Hermitage Museum (1)

St. Petersburg Capella (2)

St. Petersburg Capella Choir & O (1)

St. Petersburg C Choir (4)

St. Petersburg C Ens (2)

St. Petersburg Ch Capella ❝LIK (1)

St. Petersburg C O (1)

St. Petersburg Concerto O (1)

St. Petersburg Cons Ch (1)

St. Petersburger Kammerchor (1)

St. Petersburg Festival O (1)

St. Petersburg Mariinsky Theater O & Ch (2)

St. Petersburg Mussorgsky St Ballet & Op Theater SO (1)

St. Petersburg Northern Snf (1)

St. Petersburg O (1)

St. Petersburg Op O & Ch (1)

St. Petersburg P Ch (1)

St. Petersburg Philharmonia (1)

St. Petersburg PO (45)

St. Petersburg PO, Leningrad (1)

St. Petersburg PSO (1)

St. Petersburg P Society Qrt (2)

St. Petersburg R/TV O (2)

St. Petersburg RTV SO (1)

St. Petersburg Small Op & Ballet Theater Ch & SO (1)

St. Petersburg SO (4)

St. Petersburg Soloists (2)

St. Petersburg St Academic Capella SO (1)

St. Petersburg St Academic O (1)

St. Petersburg St Academic SO (3)

St. Petersburg St Acad SO (1)

St. Petersburg State SO (6)

St. Petersburg Str Qrt (9)

St. Petersburg Str Soloists (2)

St. Petersburg St SO (26)

St. Petersburg St SO & C Ch (2)

St. Petersburg TV/RCh Basses (1)

St. Petersburg Vocal Qrt (1)

St. Quirinus Church, Rosenheim O & Ch (1)

Stradivaria (4)

Stradivari Qrt (6)

Stradivarius Ens of Rome (1)

Strängnäs Sinfonietta (1)

Strand Ens (2)

Strange Qrt (1)

Strasbourg P Ch (3)

Strasbourg PO (51)

Strasbourg PO & Ch (2)

Strasbourg RSO (4)

Strata (3)

Stratton Str Qrt (2)

Strauss Festival O, Vienna (1)

Streicherakademie Bozen (1)

Streicher Tr (2)

Streichorchester der Göttinger Symphoniker (1)

Streiff Tr (1)

Strendo Zürich (2)

Str Ens (5)

Str Ens ENDLESS (1)

Str Ens La Primavera (1)

Str Ens of the Camerata Bern (1)

Str Ens of the Moscow Soloists (1)

Str Ens of the O Natl du Capitol de Toulouse (1)

Str Ens of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis (1)

Str Ens of the Soloists of Nizhny Novgorod (1)

Str Fever (1)

Str Group of the Great SO of Moscow R & TV (1)

string ensemble of the Schola Cantorum Basiiiensis (1)

strings of the Bavarian RSO (1)

strings of the Orchester der Beethovenhalle Bonn (1)

strings of the USSR SO (1)

Str Members of the Teatro alla Scala (1)

Str Noise (3)

Str Nonet (1)

Str O (8)

Str O of Brooklyn (1)

Str O of Brooklyn & Toomai Str Qrt (1)

Str O of New York (2)

Str O of New York City (1)

Str O of the Musikkollegium Winterthur (1)

Str Qnt (1)

Str Qrt (7)

Str Qrt del Teatro La Fenice di Venezia (1)

Str Qrt of SPO Slovakia (1)

Str Qrt of the German State Op (1)

Str Qrt of the Munich PO (1)

Str Qrt of the RFSR State P Moscow Region (1)

Str Qrt of the RSFSR State PO (1)

Str Qrt of the Théâtre Royale de la Monnaie, Brussels (1)

Strs (1)

Strs & O of the Schubert Society, Austria (1)

Str Sextet Berlin (1)

Str Sextet of The French Natl RO (1)

Strs of Moravian PO (1)

Strs of Santa Cecilia (1)

Strs of the Bamberg SO (1)

Strs of the CBC Vancouver O (2)

Strs of the Chigi Qnt (1)

Strs of the Collegium Academicum de Genève (1)

Strs of the Concertgebouw O of Amsterdam (1)

Strs of the Gustav Mahler Jugendorchester (1)

Strs of the Israel P (1)

Strs of the NHK SO (1)

Strs of the Philharmonia O (2)

Strs of the Städtischen Orchesters Remschied (1)

Str Soloists (1)

Str Tr of L’Ens InterContemporain (1)

Strumentisti dell’ Angelicum di Milano (1)

St. Salvator’s Chapel Ch (7)

St SO Ens of Soloists (1)

St SO of Russia (5)

St SO of Tatarstan (1)

St SO of the Ministry of Culture of the USSR (1)

St SO of the Ministry of Culture, St Academic SO of the USSR (1)

St SO of the USSR Ministry of Culture (1)

St SO of USSR (1)

St. Stephen’s C O (2)

St Theater Stuttgart O (1)

St Thomas Ch (1)

St. Thomas Ch, New York (4)

St. Thomas-Chorschule Wettenhausen (1)

St. Thomas Church Ch, Leipzig (6)

St. Thomas Church Choir of Men & Boys (12)

St. Thomas Men (1)

St. Tikhon Ch (1)

Stucky-Henderson Duo (1)

Studentersangforeningen (1)

Student groups (1)

student members of Pro Corda (1)

students (2)

Students & Teachers of the Centre de Musique Ancienne de Genève & of the Conservatoire Natl Supérieur de Musique de Lyon (1)

Students of Cristo Rey High School (2)

Students of Curtis Institute (1)

Students of Loyola High School (2)

Students of the Royal Ballet School (2)

students of the State Vaganova Institute for Choreography (1)

Student Str Enss (1)

studio big band (1)

Studiochor Wien (1)

Studio de Musique Ancienne de Montréal (9)

Studio der frühen Musik (8)

Studio di Musica Antica (1)

Studio di Musica Renascimentale of Palermo (1)

Studio Ens (1)

Studio for Early Music (1)

Studio for New Music (1)

Studio-Männerchor (2)

Studio O (53)

Studio O & Ch (11)

Studio O Beromünster (1)

Studio O of Tokyo (1)

Studio-Orchester (1)

Studio-Orchester Berlin (1)

Studio Os (2)

Studio Silver Strs (1)

Studios of the Musical Experimental Group, Bourges (1)

Studium Canticum of Cagliari (1)

Studium Chorale (1)

Studium Musicae Valencia (1)

Stúlknakár Ch (1)

Stuller Qrt (2)

St. Ursula-Gymnasiums Freiburg Ch & Ens (1)

Stuttgard RSO & Gächinger Kantorei (1)

Stuttgart Bach Ch (3)

Stuttgart Bach Collegium (4)

Stuttgart Bach-Kollegium (1)

Stuttgart Bach O (1)

Stuttgart Ballet (1)

Stuttgart Baroque O (8)

Stuttgart Baroque O & C Ch (2)

Stuttgart Boys’ Ch (1)

Stuttgart Br Qrt (1)

Stuttgart C (2)

Stuttgart C Ch (25)

Stuttgart C Ch & Baroque O (1)

Stuttgart C Ch & Hofkapelle (3)

Stuttgart C Ch & Stuttgart Baroque O (1)

Stuttgart C Choir (7)

Stuttgart C Choir & Baroque Ens (1)

Stuttgart C Ens (1)

Stuttgart Ch (3)

Stuttgart Choristen (1)

Stuttgart Classical P (1)

Stuttgart Classical P & C Ch (1)

Stuttgart Classic PO (1)

Stuttgart C O (89)

Stuttgart C O & Hofkapelle (1)

Stuttgart College Boys’ Ch (2)

Stuttgarter C O (2)

Stuttgarter Doppelquartett (1)

Stuttgarter Ens für Neue Musik (1)

Stuttgarter Hymnus-Chorknaben (6)

Stuttgarter Hymnus-Chorknaben & Kammerorchester (1)

Stuttgarter Kammermusik-Collegium (1)

Stuttgarter Kammerorchester (9)

Stuttgarter Kantatenchor (2)

Stuttgarter Philharmoniker (1)

Stuttgarter Solisten (2)

Stuttgart Female Chambre Ch (1)

Stuttgart Fest Ens (1)

Stuttgart Festival (1)

Stuttgart Gächinger Kantorei (3)

Stuttgart Hofkapelle (1)

Stuttgart Hofkapelle & C Ch (2)

Stuttgart Hymnus Boys’ Ch (2)

Stuttgart Hymnus-Chorknaben (4)

Stuttgart Instrumental Soloists (1)

Stuttgart Kammerorchester (3)

Stuttgart Kantorei & Stiftsphilharmonie (1)

Stuttgart Kantorei der Stiftskirche (1)

Stuttgart Klassische Philharmonie (1)

Stuttgart Lehrergesangverein (1)

Stuttgart Men’s RCh (1)

Stuttgart Motettenchor (1)

Stuttgart Op O & Ch (2)

Stuttgart P (10)

Stuttgart Philharmonia (1)

Stuttgart Philharmonie Choir (1)

Stuttgart Philharmonie O (1)

Stuttgart Piano Tr (7)

Stuttgart Pn Tr (1)

Stuttgart PO (25)

Stuttgart PO & Ch (1)

Stuttgart Pro Musica O (1)

Stuttgart R Brass (2)

Stuttgart RCh & O (3)

Stuttgart RO (16)

Stuttgart RO & Ch (5)

Stuttgart RSO (204)

Stuttgart RSO & Ch (5)

Stuttgart RSO des SWR (2)

Stuttgart RSO Members (3)

Stuttgart RSO of the SWR (1)

Stuttgart RSO, O of the Berlin R, Greater Berlin RO (1)

Stuttgart RSO Str (1)

Stuttgart RSO SWR (1)

Stuttgart R Women’s Ch (1)

Stuttgart Schola Cantorum (1)

Stuttgart SO (2)

Stuttgart Soloists (2)

Stuttgart South RCh (1)

Stuttgart Southwest German RSO & Vocal Ens (1)

Stuttgart Southwest German R Vocal Ens (4)

Stuttgart Southwest German R Vocal Ens, Stuttgart (1)

Stuttgart Speech Choir (1)

Stuttgart Staatsorchester (4)

Stuttgart State O (2)

Stuttgart State O & Ch (1)

Stuttgart State O & Op Ch (2)

Stuttgart State Op Ch (3)

Stuttgart State Op O & Ch (4)

Stuttgart State Theater O (2)

Stuttgart St O (9)

Stuttgart St O & Op Ch (1)

Stuttgart St O, Op Ch, & Children’s Ch (1)

Stuttgart St Op O & Ch (8)

Stuttgart Str Sextet (1)

Stuttgart St Theater O (1)

Stuttgart SW German R Vocal Ens (2)

Stuttgart SWR O (1)

Stuttgart SWR RSO & Ch (1)

Stuttgart Ton-Studio O (1)

Stuttgart Wind Qnt (6)

Stuttgart Winds (2)

Stuttgart Woodwind Qnt (1)

Stuttgater Hymnus-Chorknaben (1)

Stuyvesant Qrt (1)

Stuyvesant Str Qrt (1)

St. Willibrord & St. Pius X Children’s Choirs (1)

St. Willibrord’s Boys’ Ch Amsterdam (1)

ST-X Ens (2)

Style of Five (1)

Stylus Phantasticus (5)

Stylus Phantasticus Ch & Ens (1)

Suddeutsche Kammerphilharmonie (2)

Suddeutscher Rundfunk Orchester, Stuttgart (1)

Sudecka PO (1)

Sudfunk Ch & C Ch of R Bern (1)

Sudfunkchor (3)

Sudfunk Chor Stuttgart (1)

Sudtiroler Kinderchor (1)

Sudwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim (4)

Sudwestfunk O (3)

Sudwestfunk O, Baden-Baden (2)

Sudwestfunk-O Baden-Baden (1)

Sudwestfunk RSO, Baden Baden (1)

Sudwestfunk-Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden (1)

Sudwestfunk SO (1)

Sudwest RSO Baden-Baden & Freiburg (1)

Sudwestrundfunk O (1)

Suedama Ens (1)

Süddentsche Rundfunks SO (1)

Süddentsche Rundfunks SO, Baden-Baden (1)

Süddentsche Rundfunks SO, Saarbrücken (1)

Süddeutsche Kammerphilharmonie Stuttgart (1)

Süddeutsche Madrigalchor (2)

Süddeutscher Madrigalchor of Stuttgart (2)

Süddeutsches Kammerorchester (1)

Süddeutsches Vokalensemble (1)

Südfunk Ch (2)

Südfunk-Choir (2)

Südfunkchor (4)

Südfunk-Chor & R-Sinfonie-Orchester Stuttgart (1)

Südfunk-Chor Stuttgart (2)

SüdfunkChor Stuttgart (3)

Südfunk Ch, Stuttgart (1)

Südfunk Dance O (1)

Südfunk-Orchester Stuttgart (1)

Südfunk-Sinfonieorchester (2)

Südfunk SO (2)

Südwesfälische P (1)

Südwest C O (1)

Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie (1)

Südwestdeutsche P Konstanz (1)

Südwestdeutsches C O Pforzheim (1)

Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchester Pforzheim (5)

Südwestdeutsches Kammerorchestra Pforzheim (1)

Südwestfälische Philharmonie (3)

Südwestfunk O, Baden-Baden (3)

Südwestfunk-O Baden-Baden (1)

Südwestfunk SO Baden-Baden (1)

Suisse Romande Lyric Ch (1)

Suisse Romande O (10)

Suisse Romande O & Ch (1)

Suisse Romande O & RCh (1)

Suisse Romande RCh (2)

Suisse Romande RO & Ch (1)

Suk C Ch (1)

Suk C O (23)

Suk C O, Prague (5)

Suk Qrt (10)

Suk Str Qrt (3)

Suk Tr (29)

Sullivan Festival O & Ch (2)

Summerhayes Pn Tr (1)

Summit Brass (5)

Summit Chorale (4)

Sun & Moon (1)

Sundance Tr (1)

Sunderman Ww Qnt (2)

Sundsvall C O (1)

Sun Life Stanshawe Band (1)

Sun Ra & his Solar Arkestra (1)

Sun Ra & his Solar Arkestra{4 } (1)

Sunrise Quar (1)

SUNY Fredonia Wind Ens (1)

Suoni Ens (2)

Super Partes Voc Ens of Roseto (1)

Supersax (2)

Supertramp (1)

supporting artists (3)

Supporting gambists (1)

Sursum Corda (6)

Susan Singh Choristers (1)

Suske Qrt (4)

Suske Str Qrt (2)

Suspicious Cheeselords (18)

Sussmann/Albers/Polonsky Tr (1)

Suttgart CO (1)

Suttgart Hymnus-Chorknaben Ens ’76 Stuttgart (1)

Suzhou SO (1)

Svanholm Singers (1)

Sveriges R, Stockholm (1)

Sveshnikov Academic Ch (1)

Sveshnikov Academic Choir (1)

Sveshnikov Academic O & Ch (1)

Sveshnikov Boys’ Ch (1)

Sveshnikov Boy’s Ch of the Moscow Choral School (1)

Sveshnikov Boys Ch of the Moscow Ch School (1)

Sveshnikov Ch (1)

Sveshnikov Russian Academic Choir (2)

Sveshnikov Russ St Ch, Bolshoi Th O (1)

Sveti Ivan Rilsky Choir (1)

Svetoslav Obretanov❝ Bulgarian Natl Choir (1)

Svetoslav Obretenov Bulgarian Natl Ch (10)

Svetoslav Obretenov Choir (1)

Svetylen Ch (1)

Svizzera Italiana O (3)

Svizzera Italiana RTV O & Ch (1)

Swan O (3)

Swan Orch (1)

Swarthmore College Ch (2)

SWDR C O (1)

SWD RO (1)

Sweden Schola Gothia (1)

Swedish Brass Qnt (5)

Swedish C Ch (1)

Swedish C Choir (2)

Swedish C Fl O (1)

Swedish Ch O (1)

Swedish Choir (1)

Swedish C O (89)

Swedish C O, Örebro (1)

Swedish jazz artists (1)

Swedish RCh (34)

Swedish RCh & SO (4)

Swedish R Choir (21)

Swedish RO (29)

Swedish RO & Ch (4)

Swedish Royal Op O & Ch (2)

Swedish R S (6)

Swedish RS Ch (1)

Swedish RSO (148)

Swedish RSO & Ch (9)

Swedish Sax Qrt (1)

Swedish Wind Ens (3)

Sweelinck Conservatory Students (1)

SWF S, Baden-Baden (1)

SWF-Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden (19)

SWF-Sinfonieorchester Baden-Baden und Freiburg (1)

SWF SO (2)

SWF SO Baden-Baden & Freiburg (1)

SW German CCho Tübingen (1)

SW German C O (1)

SW German C O, Pforzheim (5)

SW German R Ch Baden-Baden (1)

SW German R Dance O (1)

SW German RO (1)

SW German RO, Baden-Baden (2)

SW German RSO (7)

SW German RSO Baden-Baden (1)

SW German RSO Stuttgart (2)

SW German SO Baden-Baden & Freiburg (1)

Swingle II (1)

Swingle Singers (9)

Swiss Academic P (1)

Swiss Baroque Soloists (1)

Swiss C Ch (9)

Swiss Ch O (1)

Swiss CPO (1)

Swiss C Soloists (1)

Swiss Festival O (18)

Swiss Festival O Lucerne (1)

Swiss Italian O (8)

Swiss Italian R & Television O & Ch (1)

Swiss italian R Lugano O & Ch (1)

Swiss Italian RO (4)

Swiss-Italian RO (3)

Swiss-Italian RO & Ch (1)

Swiss-Italian RSO & Ch (2)

Swiss-Italian R-Television O & Ch (1)

Swiss-Italian RTO (1)

Swiss Italian R/TV O & Ch (2)

Swiss Music Festival O (1)

Swiss Pn Tr (10)

Swiss RCh (2)

Swiss RCh, Lugano (1)

Swiss R Ens of Light Music (1)

Swiss Romande O (7)

Swiss RTV Ch (2)

Swiss R/TV O & Ch (1)

Swiss Wind Qnt (1)

Swiss Wind Soloists (3)

Swiss WW Qnt (1)

Swiss Youth SO (3)

Switch-Ens (1)

Switch~ Ens (3)

SWR Baden-Baden & Freiburg SO (3)

SWR Big Band (1)

SWR Experimentalstudio (1)

SWR Folk Ens Stuttgart (1)

SWR Kaiserlautern SO (1)

SWR Kaiserslautern O (1)

SW RO Baden-Baden (1)

SWR O, Kaiserslautern (1)

SWR RO (1)

SWR RO Kaiserlautern (2)

SWR RO Kaiserslautem (1)

SWR R-Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart (2)


SWR R-SO Stuttgart (2)

SWR RSO Stuttgart (16)

SWR RS Stuttgart (2)

SWR Sinfonieorchester Stuttgart (1)

SWR SO (19)

SWR SO Baden-Baden/Freiburg (64)

SWR SO members (1)

SWRSO Stuttgart (7)

SWR Stuttgart RSO (7)

SWR Swing Fagottet (1)

SWR Vocal Ens (7)

SWR Vocal Ens & Stuttgart Brass Ens (2)

SWR Vocal Ens Stuttgart (8)

SWR Voc Ens (3)

SWR Voc Ens Stuttgart (4)

SWR Vokalensemble (8)

SWR Vokalensemble Stuttgart (9)

Sydney Ch C (1)

Sydney Conservatorium Choir (1)

Sydney Conservatorium Choir & Chorale (1)

Sydney Conservatorium Chorale (1)

Sydney Male Choir (1)

Sydney Philharmonia Ch (1)

Sydney S (1)

Sydney SO (46)

Sydney SO & Cellists (2)

Sylvan Winds (5)

Symbolon Ens (1)

Symphoniae Sacrae Sackbut Consort (1)

Symphonia Momentum (2)

Symphonia Perusina (10)

Symphonia Perusina O (2)

Symphonia Qrt (1)

Symphonica of London (11)

Symphonica Toscanini (1)

Symphonic Band of the Belgian Guides (9)

Symphonic O & Ch of the Gulbenkian Foundation of Lisbon (3)

Symphonic O of Barcelona (1)

Symphonic O of the Rtelevisione italiana, Rome (1)

Symphonie Band of the Belgian Guides (1)

Symphonie Canadiana (2)

Symphonie Choir (1)

Symphonie O & Ch of the Gulbenkian Foundation of Lisbon (1)

Symphonieorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks (7)

Symphonieorchester des Bayrisches Rundfunks (1)

Symphonieorchester des Suddeutscher Rundfunks, Stuttgart (1)

Symphonie-Orchester Graunke (1)

Symphonieorchestre des Bayerischen Rundfunks (1)

Symphoniorchester des Bayerischen Rundfunks (1)

symphonique de Montréal O & Ch (1)

Symposium Musicum (4)

Symposium Musicum Pragense (1)

Symposium Pro Musica Antiqua of Prague (1)

Synchron Stage O, Vienna Bratislava Studio SO (2)

Syncope (1)

Synergie Guitar Qrt (1)

Synergy Br Qnt (1)

Synergy Voc (3)

Synergy Vocals (12)

Syntagma Amici (5)

Syntagma Amici & Giourdina (1)

Syntagma Ens (1)

Syntagma Musicum (1)

Syntonia Str Qrt (2)

S Youth Ch (1)

Syracuse Children’s Ch (1)

Syracuse S (3)

Syracuse SO (33)

Syracuse Univ Ch (1)

Syracuse Univ Oratorio Society (5)

Syrena-Records O (1)

Syrian monks (1)

Syrinx-Qntt (4)

Syrius Tr (1)

Syzygy New Music Ens (1)

Szczecin PO (1)

Szczecin Univ Academia C O (1)

Szczecin Univ KRA Ch (1)

Szécsi Str Qrt (1)

Szeged PO (1)

Szeged SO (4)

Szigeti Qrt (1)

Szombathely SO (2)

Szymanowski Qrt (7)

Szymanowski Tr (1)


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