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Full Site Display Advertising in the Fanfare Archive

Fanfare Magazine gives you several ways to let our subscribers connect with your music, products, and services. If you'd like to see the rest of the options we offer, please see Advertising in the Fanfare Archive.

Full Site Display Advertising

Your ad will be displayed on the left side of all the Fanfare Archive's pages, whether the articles are subscriber-only or readable by everyone. Clicks on the ad go to a site you specify.

You can promote your recording label, media relations firm, new recording, chamber music ensemble, woodwind lessons, or anything that may be of interest to Serious Music Collectors. Here are a few sample ads.


Five ads appear in the left column at once. The top ad location can be reserved for Premium Placement. The ads in the other four ad locations rotate randomly.

The cost of a rotating ad is US$100 for 1 month, or US $1000 for 1 year. The cost for a Premium Placement, top location, fixed ad is $500 for the first month and $250/month for subsequent months. Ads can be changed monthly. Contact Joel Flegler, for more information.

Ad specifications: Ads must be static (non-animated), jpg or png format. Sizes are up to 250px wide, up to 350px high. Ads display on a pale grey background, color #e6e6e6. Multiple ads may display in the section at the same time, and your ad's display will rotate with others in the same space. Please send the jpg or png file to and also send one web address (URL) to use for the clicks on your ad.


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