Performer: Tara Helen O’Connor MAMLOCK, URSULA: Sintra... (Rebecca Jo Loeb) (Review by Jeremy Marchant) | flute | BERMEL, DEREK: Soul Garden.** Wanderings? Coming Together? Turning. Theme and Absurdities? Mulatash Stomp? SchiZm? Quartet (Review by Robert Carl) | flute | BISCARDI: Traverso. The Gift of Life. Companion Piece. Incitation to Desire. Mestiere. Tenzone. At the Still Point (Review by Robert Carl) | flute | BISCARDI: Traverso. The Gift of Life. Companion Piece. Incitation to Desire. Mestiere. Tenzone. At the Still Point (Review by William Zagorski) | flute | CAGE, JOHN: Music for … (Review by Art Lange) | flute | CLAMAN: Variations on “Amba Kamakshi”. Piece of Work Liberties Taken. Avaley Taan. Like This. Loomings. Brit. Loose Cannons II–IV (Review by David DeBoor Canfield) | alto flute | FELDMAN, MORTON: Met Heine on the Rue Fürstenberg (Review by Art Lange) | flute | FESTINGER: A Serenade for 6 (Review by Art Lange) | flute | GLASS, PHILIP: The Sound of a Voice (Review by Phillip Scott) | flute | GOLIJOV: Yiddishbbuk. The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind; Last Round. Lullaby and Doina (Review by Robert Carl) | flute | GOLIJOV: Yiddishbbuk. The Dreams and Prayers of Isaac the Blind; Last Round. Lullaby and Doina (Review by Robert Kirzinger) | flute | GREENBAUM: Venerable Canons. Wild Rose, Lily, Dry Vanilla (Review by Robert Carl) | flute | IVES, CHARLES: Piano Sonata No. 1. Piano Sonata No. 2, “Concord, Mass., 1840–1860” (Review by Robert Carl) | flute | KORF: 6 Miniatures for Flute with Piano (Review by William Zagorski) | flute | MAGGIO: Divide (Review by Peter Burwasser) | flute | MAGGIO: Duo Concertante (Review by Peter Burwasser) | flute | MAGGIO: Fluano Pianute (Review by Peter Burwasser) | flute | MAGGIO: Phoenix (Review by Peter Burwasser) | flute | MAGGIO: Phoenix (Review by Robert Kirzinger) | flute | MAGGIO: Riddles (Review by Peter Burwasser) | flute | MORRIS, ROBERT: Broken Consort in 3 Parts (Review by Art Lange) | flute | NAITO: Voyage (Review by Phillip Scott) | flute | RAKOWSKI, DAVID: Sesso e Violenza (Review by Robert Kirzinger) | flute | SMALDONE, EDWARD: Concerti di Amore. Double Duo. Letters from Home. Duke/Monk (Review by Colin Clarke) | flute | WIGGLESWORTH, FRANK: Symphony No. 1. Twin Songs. A Short Mass. Summer Music. Lake Music. Trillium. Psalm 148 (Review by Paul Rapoport) | flute | WUORINEN, CHARLES: Percussion Duo (Review by Art Lange) | flute |
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