Performer: Timothy McAllister SCOTT, ANDY: Three Letter Word... (Timothy McAllister) (Review by David DeBoor Canfield) | alto saxophone | SCOTT, ANDY: Three Letter Word... (Timothy McAllister) (Review by David DeBoor Canfield) | soprano saxophone | SCOTT, ANDY: Three Letter Word... (Timothy McAllister) (Review by David DeBoor Canfield) | tenor saxophone | ADAMS, JOHN: City Noir. Saxophone Concerto (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | saxophone | ADAMS, JOHN: City Noir. Saxophone Concerto (Review by Robert Carl) | saxophone | ADAMS, JOHN: City Noir. Saxophone Concerto (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | saxophone | AGÓCS: As Biddeth Thy Tongue (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | AGÓCS: As Biddeth Thy Tongue (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | AGÓCS: As Biddeth Thy Tongue (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM: Alto Saxophone Sonata (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM: Alto Saxophone Sonata (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM: Alto Saxophone Sonata (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM: Alto Saxophone Sonata (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM: Alto Saxophone Sonata (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | ALBRIGHT, WILLIAM: Alto Saxophone Sonata (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | soprano saxophone | ASIA: The Alex Set (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ASIA: The Alex Set (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ASIA: The Alex Set (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | BABBITT: Accompanied Recitative (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | BABBITT: Accompanied Recitative (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | BABBITT: Accompanied Recitative (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | BABBITT: Accompanied Recitative (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | BABBITT: Accompanied Recitative (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | BABBITT: Accompanied Recitative (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | soprano saxophone | BAYOLO, ARMANDO: Otoño (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | BURHANS, CALEB: Escape Wisconsin (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | BURHANS, CALEB: Escape Wisconsin (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | BURHANS, CALEB: Escape Wisconsin (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | BURHANS, CALEB: Escape Wisconsin (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | BURHANS, CALEB: Escape Wisconsin (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | BURHANS, CALEB: Escape Wisconsin (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | soprano saxophone | CAGE, JOHN: 27’10.554”. Ryoanji. Composed Improvisation. Variations VIII. One (Review by Art Lange) | saxophone | CANDEY, GRIFFIN: Kid Gloves (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | CRESTON, PAUL: Saxophone Concerto (Review by Raymond Tuttle) | alto saxophone | CRESTON, PAUL: Saxophone Concerto (Review by Phillip Scott) | alto saxophone | CRESTON, PAUL: Saxophone Concerto (Review by Steven Kruger) | alto saxophone | CUTLER, ZOE: Obstacle Illusion (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | DAUGHERTY, MICHAEL: Lex. (Review by Paul Rapoport) | saxophone | DUNDEE, COREY: Discordant Metamorphosis on Themes of a Fractal Nature (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | ETEZADY: Glint (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ETEZADY: Glint (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ETEZADY: Glint (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | ETEZADY: Streetlegal (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ETEZADY: Streetlegal (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ETEZADY: Streetlegal (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | ETEZADY: Streetlegal (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | ETEZADY: Streetlegal (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | ETEZADY: Streetlegal (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | soprano saxophone | FUCHS, KENNETH: Light Year. Eventide. Bass Trombone Concerto (Review by David DeBoor Canfield) | alto saxophone | FUCHS, KENNETH: Piano Concerto, “Spiritualist”. Poems of Life. Glacier (Concerto for Electric Guitar and Orchestra). Rush (Concerto for Alto Saxophone and Orchestra) (Review by Karl F. Miller) | alto saxophone | GARRIDO-LECCA, GONZALO: Matacuy (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | HOLLINDEN: The Whole Toy Laid Down (Review by Paul Rapoport) | saxophone | HUGHES, CHAD: SLICE (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | HUREL: Opcit (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | HUREL: Opcit (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | HUREL: Opcit (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | JOLLEY, JENNIFER: Lilac Tears (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | KOWALSKI, MICHAEL: Vapor Trails* (Review by Paul Rapoport) | saxophone | KUSTER: Jellyfish (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | KUSTER: Jellyfish (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | KUSTER: Jellyfish (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | MYERS, ANDRE: Painting with Knives (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | PLOGER, MARIANNE: Elegy (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | RODRÍGUEZ, ANDRÉS ELOY: Diptych from a Lockdown, op. 28 (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | ROUSE, CHRISTOPHER: Ogoun Badagris (Review by Paul Rapoport) | saxophone | SCHUBRING, KARALYN: Rise (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | SCOTT, ANDY: Fujiko. Alto Saxophone Sonata (Review by David DeBoor Canfield) | soprano saxophone | SCOTT, ANDY: My Mountain Top (Review by David DeBoor Canfield) | soprano saxophone | SHAPIRO, GERALD: Sextet. (Review by Paul Rapoport) | saxophone | SHEKHAR, NINA: Careful Shouts (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | TAYLOR, MATTHEW EVAN: Get Up! (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | TERRITO, JIM: When the Heart Breaks Through (Review by Huntley Dent) | saxophone | TERRY, PETER: Rise (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | TERRY, PETER: Rise (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | TERRY, PETER: Rise (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | UDOW: Flashback (Review by Paul Rapoport) | saxophone | VAYO: Border Crossing (Review by Paul Rapoport) | saxophone | WANAMAKER, GREGORY: Duo Sonata (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | WANAMAKER, GREGORY: Duo Sonata (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | WANAMAKER, GREGORY: Duo Sonata (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | WANAMAKER, GREGORY: Sonata Deus Sax Machina (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | WANAMAKER, GREGORY: Sonata Deus Sax Machina (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | WANAMAKER, GREGORY: Sonata Deus Sax Machina (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | WANAMAKER, GREGORY: Sonata Deus Sax Machina (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | WANAMAKER, GREGORY: Sonata Deus Sax Machina (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | WANAMAKER, GREGORY: Sonata Deus Sax Machina (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | soprano saxophone | ZUPKO, MISCHA: In Transit (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ZUPKO, MISCHA: In Transit (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | alto | ZUPKO, MISCHA: In Transit (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | alto | ZUPKO, MISCHA: In Transit (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | ZUPKO, MISCHA: In Transit (Review by Ronald E. Grames) | soprano saxophone | ZUPKO, MISCHA: In Transit (Review by Robert Schulslaper) | soprano saxophone |
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