Fantasia differente for Cello and String Nonet |
King Solomon: Sulamith’s Dance. Chanson triste. Festive Fanfare |
Krelantems and Eldeling: Ballet Suite |
Krelantems and Eldeling—Ballet suite |
Liten svit för 2 blockflöjter (1972) |
Meditation for Cello and Piano |
Piano Concerto No. 1. Sorrow |
Sonatina for Flute and Strings. Pezzo per quattro flauti. Sonata for Flute and Piano. Little Suite for Two Recorders. Chaconne for Solo Violin. Vem spelar I naften? Visan. Nu samlar Gud i sin hand. Kol Nidre |
The Feast of Esther: Incidental Music. They Staked their Lives: Excerpts. For Nicole |
Violin Sonata. String Quartet No. 1 |