Daphne on the rainbow; Carters, now cast down your whips; Construe my meaning |
Fancies, Toyes, and Dreames |
Fantasias: MB 3-10, 12,13; Construe my meaning. Ay me, poor heart. Witness, ye heavens. Loath to Depart |
For Two Virginals. Muscadin. Fantasia, M.B. 5. Meridian Alman. Mal Sims. Alman, M.B. 22. ftosseter's Galliard. Woody-Cock. A maske, M.B. 33. Pawles Wharfe. The Old Spagnoletta. Fantasia, M.B. 12. His Humour. A Maske, M.B. 31. The King's Hunt. Fantasia, M.B. 7. A Gigge. Galliarda. Tell mee Daphne. Spagnoletta Fantasia, M.B. 10. A Maske, M.B. 32. Fantasia, M.B. 6. Why aske you. Giles Farnabys Dreame. Quodling's Delight. A Toye |
Giles Farnaby's Dream. His rest. Farnaby's conceit. His humour |
Gäes Farnaby's dreame; His rest. Farnabye's conceit; His humour |
Loath to depart. Lord Zouches Maske. Daphne. Up Tails All |
Muscadin or Kempe's Morris. Loath to Depart |
Muscadin or Kempe's Morris; Loath to Depart;Barafostus'Dream |
The Old Spagnoletta. Mask. Tower Hill. Paul's Warf. The Flat Pavan. Fantasia IX. Woody-cock. Loath to Depart. Mai Sims. Tell Me Daphne. Toy. Quodllng's Delight. Giles Farnaby's Dream, His Rest, Farnaby's Conceit. Lachrymae Pavan |
Up Tails All. Quodlings Delight. Pawles Wharf. Fantasia. Tower Hill |
Walter Erie's Pavan. Tower Hill |